Arthur Lewin

Arthur Lewin is a member of the Black and Latino Studies Department of Baruch College of the City University of New York. He is the author of the books, Africa Is Not A Country: It’s A Continent and Read Like Your Life Depends On It. He writes on a wide variety of topics, and greatly enjoys the free exchange of ideas and opinions on the internet with people all around the country and the world. Send him a note today.




Cain vs. Obama 2012, etc. | Ron Paul vs. Obama, etc.  | Ron Paul vs. Rick Perry – Immigration, etc.

Ron Paul vs. Herman Cain Different Philosophies, etc. | Ron vs. Cain vs. Obama, etc. | Black Voting Republican, etc.


Ron – Bachmann – Perry race for president, etc. | Republicans have a point, etc. |  John McCain not born in USA, etc.

Ron Paul – Putting The Charges Against Him, etc. |


I rather be a cat, etc. | The Revolution not being televised, etc. | The Only Spaceship, etc.

Star Wars, etc. | Spike Lee – Do The Right Thing, etc. | The Help Movie, etc.


College Professor – Publish, etc. | Your Cell Phone, etc. | Malcolm X – Manning Marable Bio Review, etc.

Dr. Ronald Mallet, etc. | The Help Movie – Servant still a Servant, etc. | OJ Simpson/Casey Anthoy – Mob Mentality, etc.


US Riches Rise – Majority Population falls, etc. | Booker T. Washington vs W.E.B. DuBois, etc.  | Europe Conquer Africa, etc.

The Jamerican, etc. | 5 Key Tips – Improve Grades Black Students, etc. | Everlasting Life, etc.


Ivory Tower Of Babel, etc. | 13 Strange Coincidences, etc. | Black Catholics, etc.

Malcolm X vs. MLK, Jr, etc. | The Matrix. etc. | To Criticize The President, etc.


African Origins – Math/Science, etc. | Are You Part Native American, etc. | The Rest Up to you, etc.

Everybody vs. Everybody, etc. | M Word is worse then N Word, etc. | Talking Dollars, etc.


A lynching by any, etc. | The New Jim Crow, etc.  | The War On Drugs, etc.

Cain vs Thomas Harassment Cases, etc. | Ron Paul Last Man Standing, etc.


Black Women Rainbow Color, etc… | Christmas now Kwanzaa, etc. | 24/7 Non Stop, etc.


Kwanzaa Day 2 – Self Determination, etc. | Kwanzaa Day 3 – Ujima, etc.Kwanzaa Day 4 – Ujamaa, etc.


Kwanzaa – Day 5 Nia, etc.  | Kwanzaa Day 6 – Kuumba, etc. | Kwanzaa – Day 7 Imani, etc.