(ThyBlackMan.com) The beef, and all of its fall out, of Kendrick Lamar and Drake is leaving so much more to be discussed beyond the music. Music has always been a conversation piece. So it’s no surprise that each song is being dissected and analyzed bar by bar. That has been ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) On May 22, 1962, speaking to a crowd in Los Angeles, Malcolm X declared that the most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. 62 years later, his words still ring true as we witness the continued disregard for Black women, particularly those in positions of leadership. The ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I left Memphis early in the morning one August day with my parents for Morehouse College for my freshman year at age 17. It was after I had attended a party in East Memphis at a hotel. My friends and I partied one last time to “I’m Ready” by ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Spelling bee competitions are an excellent way to enhance students’ linguistic skills, boost their confidence, and encourage healthy competition. Preparing your students effectively for these events requires a well-rounded approach that combines learning, practice, and motivation. This guide will provide you with strategies to help your students shine in ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It is good and right to rebel and revolt against unfreedom and morally imperative to resist evil, injustice and oppression wherever we find it, in this country and around the world. And it is good to know our past and honor it; to engage the present and improve it; ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Black folks have always been creative whether it was in the Old World, the Mother Land, or the New World. The environments and settings that spawned and staged that creativity but it all influenced pop culture, fashion and culture at large and impacted society. My Creative Journey In my ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Discussing who the most famous black author might be is a challenging endeavor, as it invites consideration of a myriad of impactful voices who have shaped literature and influenced societies. This exploration will consider several candidates, touching on their backgrounds, major works, and the legacies they’ve left behind. James ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) (**1/2)  She was a pioneer. A political warrior. A woman who’s earned an esteemed place in herstory. After Frederick Douglas (1848), Edwin Taylor (1904) and Channing E Phillips (1968). Before Jesse Jackson (1984), Alan Keyes (1992) and Barack Obama (2008). There was Shirley Chisolm (1972). All vied to be ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I read somewhere that the annual tuition cost for one of these elite coastal universities is North of $70,000. I have not verified this because for fear it will send me into a coma. Even worse, this fee is for undergraduate school and not law or medical school. This I ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) That’s a shocking claim given today’s socio-political divisions. Still, I think that it’s (almost) universally true. Roughly 30 years ago, an “aha moment” arose in which white Americans began to realize that the nation’s demographics were changing apace. Some were in denial. Some were angry. Most were curious about ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The decay in American education is an alarming national security threat. Most high school or college graduates know about little more than their sexual orientation or Taylor Swift’s juvenile lyrics and strutting. They are unable to write a single, succinct, evocative sentence, like the magnificence of a “rosy-fingered dawn.” ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In this month of remembering, reading and raising up the work and life of August Wilson (April 27, 1945-October 2, 2005), arguably the most successful and celebrated playwright in U.S. history, I reach back in the practice of sankofa to retrieve and bring forth again some essential elements of his artistic ...