(ThyBlackMan.com) The system of incarceration in the Unites States is known to be inhumane, and Black Americans know that it is another form of slavery. Many of us have been taught that the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution allowed slavery to exist in the form of incarceration. Everyday ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There are books that change how you view social issues, while deepening your understanding of the fight we face in America regarding the issue of humanity. A large part of the race issue Black America faces is that of having one’s humanity acknowledged and respected. The battle we face ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In the poetic words we can often find love, passion, deep intimacy, and a healing that is needed when we are broken by life and living.  In her first book of poetry author Poetic Beauty manages to craft all of these emotions into her words in “Fragments: The Heart ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Intimacy can come in many forms. In the Black community it can, at times, be a difficult discussion as we often put these parts of self in a box. What is considered community norms, respectability, religion, and generational trauma passed down from the plantations to now all play a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) “Hey. I just wanted to let you know you’re absolutely beautiful and I know if I had the chance to wake up to you every morning that It would truly be a bliss…” Love and intimacy have always been a part of the culture, and poetry is a medium ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) History is our window into the past. It tells us where we’ve been, and if we study it the voices of those that have come before us can help us navigate the challenges of the day. Though we are grateful for books that help us understand where we are, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson is known for his career in Hip Hop, the controversy he can stir, his prowess as a successful businessman, and for being the driving force behind some of the most popular shows on Starz. He has gone from the streets and bulletproof vests to suits ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Mental health is a very important subject in our society. The effects of technology, consumerism, and the heaviness of life decisions have been slowly detrimental for some. However, one could question if there is anything that can be done as time is most certainly not moving backwards. It seems ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The importance of Black men in the lives of little black boys is a necessity that cannot be denied. Though there are many studies on the subject, we need to hear of its importance from within community. The conversation of what happens when Black men are missing from the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Snoop Dogg is an established Hip Hop legend that clearly transcends the music. He has a recognizable presence, style, and voice. Snoop loves many things, and cooking is on the list. Snoop Dogg’s “From Crook to Cook” is a combination of his love for food, music, family, and life. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As a lover of mythology and fantasy fiction, I have waited a very long time for the era of fantasy that I could relate to when I immerse myself in the story. Let’s be honest, going to Hogwarts is great. We love Narnia. Middle Earth is magical and is ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As a lover of sports, Stephen A. Smith quickly became one of my favorite analysts to watch. Before there was First Take, I loved watching his NBA commentary and The Stephen A Smith Show. He was passionate and willing to speak on matters of sports & current events with ...