(ThyBlackMan.com) Receiving negativity from others is difficult to deal with. Being the object of constant ridicule can have a devastating effect on one’s self image and that of generations to follow. The situation shifts from outside attacks to self-inflicted harm rather quickly. As black women we must ask ourselves if we ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Black women, free yourself from the ideologies of the so-called conscious community. Knowing what I know in this moment, I wouldn’t follow a black man anywhere on this planet and especially into an all-black society, as I no longer trust in the ability and willpower of most American black ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The Biden White House is furiously trying to cajole congressional Republicans into signing off on his $2 trillion “infrastructure bill.” So far, they’ve held firm in saying not just no but “hell, no” to new taxes and spending to pay for all this. It turns out that a bill ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) William Jackson of My Quest to Teach and Aida Correa of Love Built Life are educators,  business owners, STREAM activists that are honoring graduating 5th grade students from  Crown Point Elementary School and Venetia Elementary School with academic awards and SWAG from business sponsors of global technology conferences. William, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Support is a key component if any community. It is hard sometimes to listen to sisters discuss a lack of support from others, and black men, when they don’t support each other. Our cheering section should be loaded with sisters that care about our success. They don’t make what ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)   The numbers are staggering, and are showing little sign of letting up.  More and more teenage girls being sent to juvenile hall, reform school, and on to prison.  The rising number of teenage girls involved in street gangs–not just as followers, but as leaders.  In hallways of many schools, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) For Black Women the versatility of hair is engrained into the culture. Currently, we are in a time whereby more Black Women feel comfortable wearing their hair naturally. Many are coming into themselves in a way that will not allow the status quo to determine what is done with hair. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Reflections of a proud father: My daughter Kathryn, declared once she graduated from kindergarten, “girls can do anything dad; one day I’m gonna be a doctor!” I responded incredulously, you go girl!” I shall revisit this premise again at the close of this article. One need only look to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It seems the “I got to get mine” disease is taken over our community like the plague. Family, which is the cornerstone, of community is disappearing as elders’ transition from this life. It seems as though we loved the support, and encouragement the elders gave us, but we are not ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What does Lil’ Kim and countless black women like her have in common? They are what you call side chicks-women that married or involved men have relationships with. A ThyBlackMan staff writer by the name of Chelle St, James put it most honestly in her piece called Side Chicks Be ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Forum is always an exciting combination of a policy wonk reunion, a series of issues forums, and the ever-present parties, receptions, and celebrations.  Some enjoy deriding the gathering as “nothing but a party”, but in fact it’s an opportunity for networking, information gathering, strategizing ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Heels are beautiful, and can make the legs look longer. They make the calves pop, and walking in them for a period of time is definitely a workout. There seems to be a bit of a trend starting that promotes workouts in heels. Granted a doctor would tell us working ...