(ThyBlackMan.com) Most of you who have read the Bible, the Quran etc. have only been given small pieces of the truth regarding the creation of man, how it happened and who did it. But if you read your book of worship more closely for the clues, not just for what ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Before we go down this rabbit hole, I need to begin with a preface. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I vote for the presidential candidate who best represents my values and morals. I vote for the candidate who is most likely to be beneficial to me ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently, it appears that some person or persons attempted to assassinate former president Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania. But in my opinion, as I will cover this article, all may not be as it seems. In such case, I hope I am wrong, but I feel that I ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It comes out of nowhere and all of a sudden it’s everywhere. Bleeding into your computers, cell phones, satellites above your head, the technology in your car that tracks you, hospitals, the military and communications. Gradually taking control of banking, your accounts/savings/investments, computers, finances, motion, pictures, literary works, and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We are about to go down the rabbit hole of the truth, a very unpopular and often unwelcome place to be. But we need to go there. Most people in America have been taught to call the Messiah by the name of “Jesus”. But we are going to look ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently I watched every minute of the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, though I am a conservative like most mature adults 50 years old and over in America. Even so, I vote for the person who is most qualified, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In the 2024 election one of the biggest issues is America’s borders. What appears to be migration, immigration or as some colic, invasion through Texas, Florida, Arizona, California, etc. By land and by sea. Biden opened up the border to let almost anybody in. Why Joe? Trump took hundreds ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What you are about to read may be the most important article in the 2024 presidential election. This time I need to get straight to the point and bluntly because we have a lot to cover. Donald Trump is using Hitler’s playbook. Oh yes he is and I’m going ...