It’s OK to Relax.

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( All work and no play creates a monster, and an unhealthy body. There is always a project at work, something to do with our man, and let’s not even get started with kids…that a never ending job. There is always a bed to make, laundry to do, bathrooms to cleans, floors that need attention, and dishes to wash. Yes, being a woman is demanding and in the hustle and bustle of everything everyone needs we tend to neglect ourselves. It’s so bad that some of us feel guilty when we do something nice to pamper ourselves.

Black Woman - Relaxing.

Ladies, wives, moms…THIS MUST STOP! We must realize this behavior is dangerous, and destructive. Balance is a necessity if we want to live happy healthy lives. It’s ok to love our work, significant other, children, church and community…however if you do not include yourself in that equation you are not able to give your best to those whom you love.

When we don’t find a way to relax pressure piles up, and we find ourselves lashing out at our significant other, the kids, our family members or even our co-workers. When someone says Good Morning, and our response is: “what’s good about it”…the matter has gone too far. There are several ways to relax without breaking the bank. It’s vital that we learn how so that we don’t hurt ourselves, and those we love. Sometimes the road to relaxation must begin with acknowledging it is necessary, and that even you have limits. Once we have had some personal breathing time we can see clearer, and even communicate our needs better.

A standing bath time, meditation time, reading time, or indulging in a positive hobby all counts towards relaxation. Working out, walking and spa appointments can meet relaxation needs as we strengthen our temple. This is important because stress and strain on the body can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure. When we begin to feel overwhelmed we leave ourselves open to anxiety attacks, and depression. If not careful any of these can lead to unhealthy weight gain or retention. We all know unhealthy weight gain opens the door to another gauntlet of potential health risks.  It is very important to take care of you consistently so that you can continue to be an active positive asset to every area of your life.

When we have relaxation personal time it allows us better focus, and delivery. When we have issues at home whereby we need our mate to consider making adjustments we are able to communicate calmly, and clearly. We are on edge or ready to pop off causing a fight instead of resolution. When we are dealing with our kids we are able to be fair and even handed even when correcting them. We are able to avoid the fussing and cussing better. Lastly, at work and in other areas we are , focused and able to deliver professionally.  All of our relationships benefit from us taking care of ourselves.

As women there is always more to do. We go to sleep, and wake up, with to do lists but we must take time for ourselves. Know that you are valuable, and you are worth relaxation. Don’t feel guilty, if you can help it, look at it as an investment in self that will bless both you and your family.

Ladies it’s okay to relax.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at FacebookC. Starr and also TwitterMrzZeta.

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