(ThyBlackMan.com) The same day Daniel Penny, the retired Marine and architecture student, pleaded not guilty to manslaughter and negligent homicide, a New York grand jury declined to recommend charges against Jordan Williams.
Williams and his girlfriend, who are both black, were on a Brooklyn subway train when Williams, 20 years old, was approached by an aggressive 36-year-old ex-con homeless black man, Devictor Ouedraogo. In a confrontation captured on video, Ouedraogo punched Williams’ girlfriend in the face, and Williams then pulled a knife and fatality stabbed Ouedraogo in the chest.
Williams was later arrested and charged with manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon. Williams’ lawyer said, “The victim was menacing people, as all of us have probably seen on the subway, erratic, deranged, crazy and in many people’s faces before he even encounters my client.” New York Mayor Eric Adams said: “A person with severe mental health illness, what appears to be severe mental health illness, got engaged in a very violent way. The investigation is going to take its course.”
A grand jury, citing self-defense, declined to indict Williams, who worked at FedEx and had no criminal record. The Brooklyn district attorney dropped the charges. Unlike in the case of Penny, no “activists” publicly accused Williams of engaging in “racially motivated vigilantism.”
As to the case of Penny, who is white, Jordan Neely, a black schizophrenic on drugs and a career violent criminal with over 40 arrests, boarded a New York subway train and threatened passengers. Penny took Neely to the floor with the assistance of two other passengers, one named Eric Gonzalez, and applied a chokehold for several minutes until the police arrived. Penny, unaware that Neely had died, spoke to detectives without requesting a lawyer, and was released without charges.
In come the “activists.” CBS News wrote: “Protesters have said they will continue to demonstrate until Penny is arrested. … Authorities say a crowd of about 100 people stormed the (subway) station, with some jumping onto the subway tracks in protest. At least 12 people were arrested during the demonstration, where multiple officers were injured …”
The New York public advocate, an elected position, demanded charges against Penny: “To say anything else is an equivocation that will only further a narrative that devalues the life of a Black homeless man with mental health challenges and encourages an attitude of dehumanization of New Yorkers in greatest need.”
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg got the message and charged Penny.
The jury deadlocked the first charge of manslaughter, and the judge dismissed it. The head of the New York chapter of Black Lives Matter said, “Today, white supremacy got another victory. Today, the KKK (Ku Klux Klan), the Klansmen, the evil in America got another victory.”
After Penny’s acquittal on the second charge, the BLM head said: “We need some Black vigilantes. People want to jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud? How about we do the same when they attempt to oppress us?”
Meanwhile, nearly half of the nation’s homicide victims are black, almost all killed by other blacks. Of New York’s nondomestic homicides, in a city that is around 25% black, the NYPD statistics show black victims and black perpetrators account for 71% of the total. In Chicago, over the Fourth of July weekend, more than 100 people were shot, 19 fatally, almost all in the mostly black areas of Chicago’s South and West Sides. Where’s Black Lives Matter, if black lives matter?
If Penny were black, there would have been no charges. If Neely were white, there would have been no charges. If both were black, or both were white, there would have been no charges.
So, to summarize, Daniel Penny, a white man, subdued Jordan Neely, a black man, with the help of two other good Samaritans, one named Eric Gonzalez. Neely posed a threat to passengers on the subway, many, if not most, of whom were black. The D.A. who charged Penny is black. The mayor of New York, who praised Penny’s heroism, is black. The jury that found Penny not guilty included four “people of color.”
Yet Penny’s acquittal, according to the head of the N.Y. chapter of Black Lives Matter, means “white supremacy got another victory”?!
Columnist; Larry Elder
Official website; http://www.larryelder.com
Daniel Penny is a murderer pure and simple. Penny didn’t have any right to put his hands on his victim. Penny isn’t a cop,neither does he have a badge authorizing him attack a citizen of the United States of America, and restrain his victim.DANIEL PENNY IS A MURDERER !!!
What you forgot to mention is that both victims that die were black and our Judicial System does not care when a black men gets killed in America regardless of who kill him. So, Yes, a white Guy Penny choke a black man to death and he was found Not Guilty and in the same manner. Mr. Wiliiams a blackman stabbed another black man to death; therefore, as long as the vitimes that die is black then the judges, the courts, the jurors do not care. Indeed, the life of a black men in America is worth less than a penny; even a dog is more valuable to white people and to a racist white judge or a house negro judge or a house negro reporter or staff writter.
You see there are tens of thousands of mentally ill people in America; But for some unknown reason it is the black ones that never receive a fair trail in Ameria and always end up death at the hands of a white men or in prison for life in the hands of white Judge, a white prosecutor, a whitte juror and white police officers.
There was no Need for this White racist Penny Daniel to choke nobody to death, how many times as kids and young men we have play games in schoold of chocking our fellow classmates and friends and we always stop just before they pass out. So why could Penny not choke him until that very moment and then release him immediately. If he had done than then Nelly Jordan will be still alive but in jail which is better than been 6 foot under ground.
I am tired of white people kiling my community, I am tire of sellout blacks defending white people for killing black people, I am tire of black people not resulting to violence to seek justice for the wrong doing of racist white people and racist hispanic against us. I am tire of black people not figting fire with fire and an eye for an eye. It is time for black people to stop crying, to stop marching, to stop waving your hands for peace and it is time for black people to fight like Hamas and Hezbollah against all these racist Americans. It is time for black people to armed themeselves with every weapon that you can find and go to war against our racist system and turn America into a bloody bloodbath or die trying.
Every African American in the united States shoudl exercise their second Amendment right by legally purchasing guns, rifles, shot guns, ammunitons, kevlar helmets, body armored, ballistic helmets and be ready to give these bastard a good hammering and protect our chidlren from the wrath of racist white people who are infected withthe disease of Madness, Insanity, Insecurity, Fear and the shortcoming of having small penises. Enough is enough and ever black person must acquired a concealead weapons permit in your state of residence and learned everything about it and teach those who cannot acquire a concealed weapomns permit.
if you are a black man, woman or LGBT and you see a racist white men or a racist corrupt cop wwrongfully attacking or choking an innocenct black men, women and LGBT then you as a proud black person must excercise your 2nd ammendment rights and defend your people by any measns neccessary and if your actions statt a civil war or race war , then all black people shoudl go war and become like the Palestininas who fough and became Hamas to dedend themselves agaisnt the Zionist wrath of the untouchable. Black people must fight to the death and win or die trying.
Black people will never bend the knee to any white men with a small penis.