“Donald Trump Will Fix It” is the Rallying Cry of Working-Class Americans Abandoned by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Trump’s election promises, delivering for both billionaires and working-class Americans, is not a done deal. To deliver for two of the most diametrically opposed groups of his, and the Republican party’s newest coalition, working-class Americans and billionaires, millionaires and corporate America, President Trump has to be something Democrats refuse to be, an honest broker, who looks at the world pragmatically. A tall order for a man regarded as a persistent liar by millions of voters, and by many, a racist. Yet, the majority of voters voting in the 2024 presidential election elected him to the presidency, rejecting Vice President Kamala Harris’ polished demeanor, educational and political background.

The Republican party has control of both houses of Congress, and he is the President. All Trump has to do is come up with a logical and doable deal that will without question, consistently grow our economy, creating millions of good paying middle-class Jobs in the process, and hand his rich donors a tax cut. Keep in mind, while doing this, if he’s a great leader and president as he markets himself to be, he will also hand the Federal Reserve, whose dual mandate of price stability (control of inflation), and maximum sustainable employment, the ability to do its job, also. If he accomplishes this, he will establish Republicans, as the ruling party in this nation for many election cycles to come. How do I know this?

Democrats have to open their eyes and look at the issues Vice President Harris presented to the nation, on which she took a firm position and promoted. Those issues were family leave, and the raising of the federal minimum wage, the cultural issue of abortion and third-party programs like tax credits to buy homes and start businesses, infrastructure capitalization and tax breaks to computer chip manufactures. Notice none of these issues had anything to do, with what working-class Americans were crying to Trump to fix, and this probably was the major cause of her loss. Working-class Americans have demanded Democrats fix the immigration issue, with millions of economic immigrants crossing our borders, and the routine exportation of good paying middle-class Jobs, primarily to China and Mexico.

“Donald Trump Will Fix It” is the Rallying Cry of Working-Class Americans Abandoned by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats.

Supply side initiatives (revamping and eliminating regulations and tax benefits to corporations and billionaires, millionaires, and the wealthy), tariffs on goods shipped to the United States, and forcibly sending illegal economic immigrants back to where they came from or to other countries, may prove not to be the complete solution either, which is what President Trump, is offering. Nevertheless, it is important, and we should want billionaires, the wealthy and corporations to openly be a part of and willing participants in the conversation, and process of finding an agreeable answer to the issues surrounding economic immigration, consistent economic growth and Job creation, and the exportation when it comes to good paying Jobs associated with manufacturing, and other industries, to foreign nations.

If you look back at the recent election cycles, starting with former President George W. Bush, and Vice President Al Gore in 2000, all voters and American workers, professional, blue collar, union, and working-class Americans have demanded, through routinely voting the Republican and Democratic parties in, and out of office, these issues be resolved to their satisfaction. Now, it is time, once again, for Trump and the Republican party to take the stage, and tackle these issues to voters’ satisfaction, or they will find themselves, in two years voted out of office.

The United States electorate is challenged primarily with three major problems. They are economic immigration, exportation of good paying middle-class Jobs to foreign nations, combined with the issue of what is the real, true and actual state of our economy. In looking back, because these issues did not just happen, they have been around for a while, their genesis can be traced to the Clinton administration.

You can’t resolve the problem of long-term economic growth and middle-class Job creation of good paying Jobs based on a false economy, which is what Democrats have “dishonestly promoted,” when it comes to the United States economy. We do not have a 4.2% unemployment Job rate economy (November’s reported rate)which is essentially a full employment economy. Instead, as established by the Bureau of Labor Statistics economists, we have a 7.8% comprehensive unemployment rate economy for November, with a black unemployment rate 2.7% higher over the rate of 7.8%, standing at 10.5%. I get that these statistics are based on a 1994 adjustment of our unemployment rates, however, there has not been any official adjustment since that time. Having politicians, beginning with the Clinton administration, who had no problems with the 1994 adjustments and its results, to arbitrarily alter the results of the 1994 adjustments, saying the U-3 category rate of unemployment from the table of Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization is comprehensive of our monthly Job situation, distorts what is in actuality, our TRUE economy. We have a 7.8% unemployment rate economy! (It’s that simple). Not to add to the length of this article, for more details of what the Clinton administration did, click on this link –

Ironically the solutions are not the problem – the problem is, Trump and the Republican party’s resolve and willingness to execute the solutions.

Biden and Democrats failed miserably at executing solutions, in part because they did not want to give up, a preconceived domestic strategy of winning elections, they felt served them well. And that domestic strategy, as the Biden-Harris administration conclude their term, essentially amounted to voter deception, when it came to the state of the economy, as explained above and the use of third-party programs. It appears to me, Democrats have never had a desire to grow and expand our economy; their desire was to grow the Democratic party, itself. The idiom of “party first, or party over people, rather than the party for, or by the people comes to mind.

Progressives, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and especially the Democratic party itself, in its pursuit of deception regarding our unemployment rates, and third-party programs dismissed the clarion call of voters and working-class Americans for overall economic growth and Job creation, and they paid a heavy price. Voters in their great wisdom have reached a consensus. They have concluded it is in the best and common interest of all of us, irrespective of being a Democrat or a Republican, part of the majority or minority, wealthy or impoverished, and regardless of our religion, the color of our skin or what station in life, we find ourselves, our shared and common interest lies in growth. Without sustained economic growth, we risk existing as a nation, as a democracy. This call for growth has even reached the ears of billionaire Jeff Bezos, who stated, speaking at the New York Times’ DealBook Summit in New York city on December 4th, “We need a growth orientation in this country…This is the important thing, a growth mindset.” He advocated growing GDP 3-5% annually, rather than just focusing on debt reduction.

Americans know how to grow our economy. We know Trump cannot deport 11 million economic immigrants. It will even be challenging for him to deport the reputed 1-2 million economic immigrants, that came across the border illegally, during Biden’s term in office. If there is any doubt when it comes to growing good paying Jobs, Covid 19 taught all of us how to grow Jobs and the economy. The Covid 19 pandemic showed us, we have a relatively simple economy, when it comes to growing Jobs, unlike some other nations. The consumer powers about 70% of Job creation in our economy. Simply put, that means Consumer Spending money is responsible for 7 out of every 10 Jobs created in our economy. The age group, beginning at 55 plus years are responsible for about 40% of the spending done in our capitalist economy. Baby Boomers are the largest population within that group of consumers. A 10%, $25,000 Baby Boomer Consumer Tax Cut is the solution. Go to thefixthistime.com, for details.

The solution of giving consumers a tax cut, and in this instance Baby Boomers is mathematically sound. If you give a direct tax cut to the 70% (the consumer), who is powering and growing your economy, you are going to get long-term growth, and Job Creation through “NEW” spending, by the 70% (the consumer), who is powering, and growing your economy. So, will the Trump administration, and his billionaire supporters see the logic of how to consistently create long term GDP growth of 3-5%, and Job growth? We won’t know the answer until they resolve to willingly execute the Solution.

Staff Writer; James Davis

Mr. Davis is a Financial Analyst. His articles are about relating facts in a usable, truthful, and understandable way. That way, WE ALL WIN. James is, the author of three books, among them, “The Fix This Time,” Boost Your Retirement Income! Simultaneously Create Jobs and Spur Economic Growth (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MI3PD2M). Reach out to James @ his blog https://thefixthistime.com.

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