Book Review: Fighting For Truth – “In Defense of Black Studies: Our History Has Always Been Contraband”.

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( History is our window into the past. It tells us where we’ve been, and if we study it the voices of those that have come before us can help us navigate the challenges of the day. Though we are grateful for books that help us understand where we are, it’s unfortunate that we need them because we are still fighting the same battle as those that came before us. “In Defense of Black Studies: Our History Has Always Been Contraband” Edited by Colin Kaepernick, Robin G Kelley and Keenanga-Yamahtta Taylor is a compilation of scholarly test that reminds of what we are defending when we fight for Black Studies.

“” Let’s begin by saying that we are living through a very dangerous time.” Originally penned in 1963, James Baldwin’s words are just as relevant today as when first inked sixty years ago.”

In Defense of Black Studies: Our History Has Always Been Contraband.
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This is a book that is easy to read in a sense that it will not intimidate the reader, and it can serve as an introduction to some of our great minds. Reading the excerpts from different texts that have been put into three sections will allow the reader to get a broad view of the importance of Black Studies from history to present times. This a text that will have the reader thinking, and asking questions that will lead to necessary community conversations and research. It is important to get this book in the hands of our youth, and young adults. They need to know this is not a new fight, we are not in a post racial society, and we cannot afford to take our foot off the neck of oppression.

“My hope is that what’s contained within these pages will help us draw connections between past and present struggles and to find inspiration in our histories of community resistance. Yes – Black history in a society that refuses to shed its white supremacy is contraband.”

One of the great aspects of this book is that it can be used as a road map to Black Studies. In addition to the wonderfully assembled text in each section of the book, there are extensive resources. The reader can use the notes and Black Studies reading list in the back of the book to expand their understanding of the necessity of Black Studies, and to have a better knowledge of the struggle of our people.

“Black studies was conceived not just outside the university but in opposition to a Eurocentric university culture with ties to corporate and military power”.

This is a book that will allow for various discussions regarding race within our community, and will arm readers with the tools to continue to fight against the oppression against our people, our history, and the truth of our place in the history of the United States. We can not expect to win the fight for our history without being armed with the knowledge to fight. This is book is one of the weapons we need to have in our intellectual arsenal.

In Defense of Black Studies: Our History Has Always Been Contraband” Edited by Colin Kaepernick, Robin G Kelley and Keenanga-Yamahtta Taylor can be found at your local bookstore, Amazon, and anywhere books are sold.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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