Gun Control: Women Carry Guns Too.

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( Gun control is always a hot topic in the US. I’m convinced it will always be an election talking point, because our government never seems to come to an understanding that gun control is necessary. How many more shooting must happen; how many more schools need be shot up before those in leadership take a stance and lead. Currently lobbyists and organizations like the NRA tell our elected officials they will sit down, shut up, and defend the right to bear arms. The mind-numbing reality is the right to bear arms is not at risk with gun control, just as the right to drive is not at risk because we must learn how to drive, pass a test, and get a state issued license. You might think this is men’s business, but that would be a mistake. Women carry guns too, and they are just as involved in the discussion surrounding gun control as the men.

Gun Control: Women Carry Guns Too.

However, the position of some women may blow your mind; how aligned they are with men that feel government is trying to take their guns is astounding. Just because women don’t have the loudest voice in the fight against gun control doesn’t mean they are not vested in the argument and supportive of such. Women have been at the core of every major movement in this country on all sides of the argument. That is no different in the discussion of gun control. However, woman that take a stance against responsible gun laws are difficult to understand.

When I think of gun control, I think of wanting laws in place that will protect citizens from those that don’t need to be able to freely purchase guns. If someone is mentally ill, or involved certain types of activities that would enact violence of various groups of people…why should they be able to walk into Academy and buy a gun? I think about my children, and my heart hurts deeply for the parents and mothers that have lost their babies to gun violence and mass shootings. Nothing can bring their children back, but why haven’t we banned together to make sure no other mother suffers in this unspeakable way? One must ask why woman aren’t coming together from all walks of life to demand that our government protect our children? It is hard to understand how one can be a mother that sends her children off to school every day but won’t defend their right to go to school in a safe environment.

This is mindboggling to know there are women that will place the value of their right to a gun over their children’s right to live. This is a conversation amongst women that needs to happen. We know of this criticism against men, well…women that behave in like manner deserve the same criticism if not worse. Too many women have given birth and would do all they could to protect their children accept fight for gun accountability. Even if there are concessions made, a mother can’t tell me they don’t understand school shootings ought not be acceptable. Is it that some women feel it can’t happen to them; do you feel secure when you take your kids to school? Anytime women unite for a common cause we are able to make headway in the direction of the goal. Too many women never threw their weight, backing, and even finances towards the fight for gun control. If one child is unsafe, all of them are. The women that fight against good sense gun control don’t realize women elsewhere are fighting for your children.

Women must encourage other women to know understand that taking a stance for responsible is not going to cause you to give up your guns. Gun ownership for women has been steadily increasing and may not slow down anytime soon. I’m a woman, gun owner, and mother that strongly believes in gun control; I have no problems sharing with other women the importance of such. When someone loses their child, we all should hurt enough for that mother to stand with her. There are various reasons as to why that unity does not exist, and it can be explored from race to class. I simply can not trust women that don’t believe in protecting children given how they enter this world. This is a position whereby we can’t just blame men, and it’s time we stop. Women must be accountable to the positions they take on topics such as gun control. Women most certainly carry guns too.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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