Call of Duty: WWII Beta Impressions – What To Expect From Sledgehammer.

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( We are now two months away from the Call of Duty: WWII release and players’ feedback on the second beta weekend is here. On the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, players explored the Second World War era and most of the impressions are positive. Since there is a very less number of WW2 games available today, Call of Duty: WW2 is an obvious choice for gamers. Here’s what you can expect from Sledgehammer Games in the new COD title.

Since the beta ran in two slots. The first week was exclusively for PS4 and the second one remained for the Xbox One and PS4. Throughout the beta sessions, the game developers collected feedback from players and as per the responses the team received, Sledgehammer has confirmed some of the changes they have implemented and some changes which will take place when the final game arrives on November 3.

Michael Condrey, COO, and VP of Sledgehammer Games recently confirmed that the developers have addressed many issues in the game, specifically the Hitmaker feedback. Additionally, the company added some surprises to the second beta. The private multiplayer beta for Call of Duty: WWII got a level cap increase to 35 allowing players to have the more new equipment, weapons, and basic training. These additions include the Flamethrower Scorestreak and the M1928.

The developers have added Kill Confirmed and also put the TDM match limit to 100. Some adjustments and improvements based on the feedback from players are made to the game. Following the response from fans, Sledgehammer Games plans to add several controller layouts for the ship that include Bumper Jumper, Charlie, Stick and Move, One-Hand Gunslinger, Scout, N0M4D L3F7Y, Beast, Brawler, and Bumper Jumper Tactical. These control options will arrive in the game at the time of the final release.

For this year’s Call of Duty game, Sledgehammer Games has turned back to the roots with a heavy emphasis on boots on the ground combat. Now when a lot of combat is going to take place on the ground, there’s a lot of change in the game. You will no longer be flashing ultra-modern weapons, but you’ll be holding World War 2 era weaponry instead. As much as we have observed, the gunplay is smooth and we don’t have any complaint with how it works. Old weapons obviously look strange but the game environment and music keeps things in balance.

The Call of Duty: WWII is in beta stage, meaning that there’s no point in complaining about small sized maps and less content. As much as we have seen, map design in the Call of Duty: WWII is solid and detailed. There will be several multiplayer maps in the game including Ardennes Forest, Flak Tower, Gibraltar, Operation Breakout, Pointe du Hoc, and USS Texas. The map quality we see in beta is expected to be the same in the final maps when the full version of COD: WW2 arrives.

Even in the beta stage, some of the game’s elements appeared to be improved and better than the Infinite Warfare. The gameplay is solid, and as the game is now more about the old setting, guns appear to be more realistic as they are decently heavy, the hit marker is more accurate than the previous installments, and the kill time is also increased. Since the game eliminates the ability to control difficulty level, it appears to be more challenging. One more thing players need to remember is that there is no health regeneration system in the campaign mode as you have to rely on squadmates.

The new Call of Duty: WWII promises a better, polished gameplay. Along with the multiplayer mode, new maps and weapons, the game will bring a Zombie mode as well. There are four editions available for purchase, and out of which the Digital Deluxe Edition includes the base game, season pass and additional content. It still remains a secret how the developers will take the game forward with additional content in future, but one thing is very sure that the developers are listening to fans and implementing the changes or at least showing the willingness to include the required changes in the final version.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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