(ThyBlackMan.com) Promoting unity among Africans and African Americans. The African Diaspora, an interconnected blood line of history, legacy, family, lost and found loves and endangered unification. The connection between African Americans and Africans connected with blood and tears. There is no denying that slavery spread the lives of millions Africans to impregnate ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “Writers are being recognized by their works as artist and those of the activist. Creating content is more than just throwing words, video, pictures on a digital sheet of paper. There is intellectual thought during the writing process. Sometimes writers will be in a zone of creativity and innovation to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I’m going to be voting third party for the first time in my life, but I consider it the most important vote that I’ve ever cast. Even though I know that Jill Stein is not going to win, I consider my vote for her a vote for democracy, and against ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) No one can deny the Presidential Campaign has turned into one big circus, and there is nothing positive about it. We have two candidates that no majority of America truly favors. This has become choosing the greater of two evils. However, the campaign has greatly exposed how much we don’t ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Today I saw the most elegant argument yet against the silly notion that people who reject both the presidential candidates foisted off on us this year by the so-called “major parties” are in fact casting their vote for Hillary Clinton. It ran thusly: If, as the Trumpsters say, any vote ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The advent of initiatives throughout this country to “Buy Black” and “Bank Black” can be traced back to the early 1900’s during which time campaigns similar to today’s efforts were established. Slogans such as “Double-Duty Dollars,” “Don’t shop where you can’t work,” and efforts such as Black Cooperatives cropped up ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I watched the Presidential debate on October 19 in both awe and horror. Awe, because I truly do not understand Mr. Trump’s temerity to lie, interrupt, sniff, sigh, and interject offensive comments (“such a nasty woman”) in lieu of disagreement. The horror came when Mr. Trump asserted that he would ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I never thought I’d see the day the decadence, criminality of the American political system and the depravity of US culture would be exposed in real time for the world to see. Over the course of this election cycle we have seen the 1% manipulate the “news” to protect an ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A few months ago, God laid it upon my heart to launch a Blue Lives Matter Celebration tour to dispel the evil myth that America’s cops murder blacks. This insidious lie is spread by the Left (Hillary, the Obama Administration, democrats, Hollywood and mainstream media). In essence, they have painted ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Why Not Use That Free Billboard Space? Imagine flying your own mobile billboard across town. It’s not a static structure on a hillside somewhere there’s high traffic, it flows with the traffic, and can be seen by people close-up on an intimate level. Not only that, it travels town to ...
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