(ThyBlackMan.com) The term “hoe” is a derogatory term often used to shame or demean women who are perceived to engage in casual sexual relationships or promiscuous behavior. This article will not perpetuate these harmful stereotypes or encourage disrespectful attitudes towards women. Instead, we will focus on fostering healthy communication and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Very rarely is the end of a relationship solely one persons fault. It can be difficult to look at your mate, when angry, and admit you had a hand in the destruction of your relationship. Far to often if you didn’t cheat nor lie you are innocent, and more ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We’re almost a quarter into the 21st century and racism is still a heated topic in America. A major contributing factor to the flames of racism is just the history of this country. Throughout primary and secondary school, there was a bit of American exceptionalism taught when it came ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Love is a complex emotion. It changes the way we see reality as the feeling of love triggers so many chemicals in the brain. Neurology presents evidence suggesting how ‘the love hormone’ can lower anxiety and stress. Contrary to this, smothering your loved one with too much affection actually ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) When we get into it with our family member, man, coworker, another female…whomever we want someone to be just as angry about it as we are. We want that person that will rant with us, and we see them as our true ride or die friend. That’s very much ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Marriage is a beautiful covenant that brings two people together as one to share a life together. Each person brings a unique individuality to the marriage; they also bring their strengths and weaknesses. Some people believe that God is a very important part of a marriage, while others believe ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Getting a man is easy, maintaining a relationship on the other hand, well that’s where the work comes in. Many times in relationships we look to our past experience for guidance on how we should act and react in partnerships. Lately I’ve found myself reflecting on why I think ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A woman is strong as much as a man is, but when she finds a man who empowers her, she becomes stronger. And if she is your wife then she deserves more empowerment. The internet is filled with silly questions and answers on how to protect your wife or ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Today as a veteran family and relationship counselor, mediator and life coach, I see all kinds of things you would not believe – or maybe you would, What I see all too often from African American women (and my next article will speak about men) is the lack of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Let’s address something that is, unfortunately, a bit controversial. Abusive relationships span all sexes, races, religions, and geographies. It doesn’t matter if you’re male, female, or identify as something different, abuse can occur in any relationship. The fact is, we don’t take men seriously when they say they’re being ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) One needs an open mind to understand what men deserve. Beyond money, sexual needs and wants, and achieving high positions in the corporate world, there’s something about men which is often neglected. In fact, nobody wants to talk about those things because the general perception about men is ‘they ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The willingness to compromise is a great asset to a relationship. In marriage it ends fights before they can begin. However, there are some areas whereby compromise is simply not enough. Certain subjects need to be met with total agreement as they are a foundation area for how your family ...