Devout Christians: Medical Proof That Yeshua Is God’s Son!

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( It is so sad that so many people are taken in by false teachings.  Yehovah (God’s name) says one thing, and Satan later says something different, and people believe that lie, instead of holding on to the original truth.  Why are people so gullible?  They have not learned the harsh lesson from the Garden of Eden.

Let us review what happened.  After five previous advents of mankind, modern mankind was put on this Earth, in the person of Adam, in about 7200 BC.  This is the time period of Genesis chapter two, starting at verse four.

Devout Christians - Medical Proof That Yeshua Is God’s Son.

Let us say that Yehovah made the animals in about 7100 BC, so that Adam would not be alone in the Garden. Maybe 100 years later, when Adam was still “lonely”, Yehovah formed Eve as a helpmate.  This would now be 7000 BC.

Yehovah told Adam about the Tree of Life, and the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  The evil tree was put there to trick Satan into hanging himself, not to “test” mankind.  You can read more about that in the article “The Whole Truth About Biblical Creation”. Meanwhile, Adam told Eve about the evil tree, and they both left it alone for 2,733 years.  After so much time, they had forgotten about the Tree of Life.

Unfortunately, Eve would sometimes wander off by herself and speak with the serpent.  Over the years, the serpent had gained her trust.  She had spoken with it many times prior.  Be advised that when Adam named all the animals, the serpent had no mate.  For whatever reason, Adam failed to ask “why”.

So, the serpent said, “You will not surely die”, in direct contrast to what God had said.  Perhaps, as part of His plan, Yehovah never told Adam about the tricks of Satan.  That could explain why such trickery was not expected.  Subsequently, in 4267 BC, Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden.

Point of information. It is my understanding, that Adam and Eve first had two daughters, then Cain and Able, then a third daughter. Cain married the youngest daughter (forsaking the older two) because she was the most beautiful. However, Abel married his oldest sister, which pleased Adam. Abel fathered two girls while Cain, to this point, was childless.

Abel became “the favorite son”. Add this to the discontentment of the sacrifices to Yehovah, Cain’s jealousy drove him to kill Abel. After asking “Am I my brother’s keeper?”, Cain took his wife with him to the land of Nod, which may have been the origin of the Sumerians.  So no longer do you have to ask, “Where did Cain get his wife?”.

The point I am making is that Yehovah says or establishes something, and Satan later contradicts or offers a counterfeit, and people believe and follow the falsehood.  As an example, the Apostle’s Doctrine was established in Jerusalem on Sunday, June 20th AD 28.  Later, certain people wanted to make the rule that we should worship on Saturday, the Sabbath, even though the Church was born on Sunday.  A needless rabbit hole.

A few years later, the gospel was given to the gentiles, when Peter preached the good news to the “Italian Band” (Acts 10).  Then, certain Christian Jews wanted to put a burden on non-Jews by saying “The (male) gentiles will have to be circumcised”. Oh brother, give me a break!!  Paul and the other Apostles settled that issue (Acts 15:28-30).

Much later, the false Trinitarian doctrine and the changing of Matthew 28:19 (from “in my name” to “Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost”) was established under Constantine the Great, in AD 325. The discovered Hebrew manuscript of Matthew proves that the trinity formula is invalid. That is why Trinitarians have been yet subject to the will of Satan, and their water baptism does not wash away sins. Does anyone ever try to cast out a demon using the titles “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”? No!!  Neither can those titles wash away sins.

Some 300 years after that, the Catholic Pope used Muhammad to start the religion of Islam. The Pope wanted to gain control of the Holy Land. So in order to take away exclusive credibility from Yeshua, and give some to Muhammad, Islam began to teach that Yeshua was not the Son of God, and that He did not die on the cross. A good lie has to be established, in some way or somehow.  Otherwise it will not work.  What did we say about “Thou shall not surely die”???

So, let’s get to the point.  A man named Ron Wyatt, discovered the Ark of the Covenant about 2:00 PM local time in Jerusalem on January 6, 1982. Jeremiah the Levite priest, and his associates, had hidden the Ark and the Holy of Holies furniture in a cavern in Mt. Moriah, in the year 587 BC.

Ron Wyatt saw that there was dried blood on the ceiling and on the Mercy Seat. He took samples of it to a laboratory for analysis.  After using a saline solution and gentle swirling for seventy-two hours, the blood was found to have only twenty-four chromosomes.  Normal humans have forty-six.  From the mother, we have twenty-two autosomes, and an “x” chromosome.  From our father, we have twenty-two autosomes, and an “x” or a “y” chromosome.  An “x” makes us a female, and a “y” would make us a male.

In the case of Yeshua’s blood, He had only twenty-two autosomes, and an “x” chromosome from Mary.  He was able to develop as a human because of the autosomes from Mary. However, His blood also had a “Y” chromosome, which the lab determined was not from a human male.  It was from Yehovah!  So we now have medical proof that Yeshua is “the Son of God”!

Staff Writer; Herman Cummings

You may also purchase this writer book which is entitled; Moses Didn’t Write About Creation.

Note: Recently Herman published a new book which is entitled; The Sabbath That Assassinated Atheism Kindle Edition.

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