(ThyBlackMan.com) Education ought to be the bedrock for fostering critical thinking and providing a landscape for the exploration of diverse perspectives, rather than serving as an incubator for extremist ideologies.
That essential ethos of education, unfortunately, is under threat, exemplified recently by the graduation speech of City University of New York law graduate and soon-to-be lawyer, Fatima Mousa Mohammed.
Mohammed, as she claimed the spotlight, leveraged this platform to broadcast an array of extreme left-wing cliches. She demonstrated profound disrespect for American institutions that form our nation’s backbone, criticizing entities ranging from our police force and military to our long-standing ally, Israel.
Her rhetoric exhibited nothing but contempt. The speech was an unsettling recital of the extreme left-wing rhetoric that’s been increasingly infecting our national discourse. It was unequivocally inappropriate for a commencement address, an occasion meant to be a celebration of academic achievement.
What was concerning was not only Mohammed’s blatant attempt to tarnish America’s image, but also the seemingly complicit behavior of the CUNY Law administration. It allowed, and arguably sanctioned, her to deliver a highly divisive and hateful address. It knew her background as an anti-Israel activist, and it should have approved a copy of her speech prior to her reading it.
The law school must have been fully aware that she intended to propagate a narrative painting our society as a dystopian wasteland under attack by systemic racism. If not, then it should come out and say so. The school has tarnished its reputation by having well-known individuals speak at the same event as Mohammed, making them seem radical, too.
Contrary to Mohammed’s portrayal, the United States has made considerable strides over the past two decades in fostering a more inclusive society and fostering racial harmony. Our societal fabric is such that public figures risk severe backlash and potential career termination for a single discriminatory remark. That’s hardly reflective of a nation inherently racist, particularly considering the rigorous anti-discrimination standards enforced across our public sectors, from the police to the military.
Indeed, America is a land of immense opportunities where individuals, irrespective of their backgrounds, can thrive, based on their merit and diligence.
It’s rather disheartening that Mohammed chose to vilify the very police officers who place their lives on the line daily to ensure our communities’ safety. Similarly, our military, which she so casually criticized, serves as the linchpin of our national security, ceaselessly protecting our freedoms and way of life. Her disdain toward these entities glaringly overlooks the innumerable sacrifices made for our societal well-being.
In a similar vein, Mohammed’s remarks about Israel were deeply unsettling. Israel has long been a staunch ally of the United States, sharing our democratic values and standing as a beacon of stability in a volatile region. To attack our ally in a graduation speech is not only disrespectful, but also shows a complete disregard for the importance of maintaining strong international relationships.
Nonetheless, the issue extends beyond Mohammed’s speech, flagging a more systemic problem pervading our college campuses. Universities, originally meant to stimulate respectful debate and the sharing of diverse perspectives, are increasingly morphing into hotbeds for radical ideologies. The promotion of such extreme left-wing narratives, exemplified during the commencement address, only serves to stifle intellectual diversity, thus intensifying societal polarization.
Despite the discord Mohammed’s speech caused, it inadvertently catalyzed a united response. Figures from both sides of the political spectrum came together in a rare echo of disapproval. New York City Mayor Eric Adams said, “I was proud to offer a different message at this year’s CUNY Law commencement ceremony. … We cannot allow words of negativity and divisiveness to be the only ones our students hear.”
Similarly, Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., said, “Imagine being so crazed by hatred for Israel as a Jewish state that you make it the subject of your commencement speech at a law school graduation. Anti-Israel derangement syndrome at work.”
The board of trustees and chancellor of the entire CUNY system even condemned the speaker, stating, “This speech is particularly unacceptable at a ceremony celebrating the achievements of a wide diversity of graduates, and hurtful to the entire CUNY community.”
Yet, at the time of writing, the administration of CUNY Law has been silent.
It is disheartening to witness the indoctrination of young minds with radical ideologies that demonize our country and its foundational institutions. Education should be a platform for critical thinking and the exploration of diverse perspectives, not a breeding ground for extremist ideologies.
As conservatives, we must stand up against the suppression of conservative voices and push for a balanced education that promotes patriotism, respect for law enforcement, and appreciation for the sacrifices made by our military. Only then can we ensure that the next generation understands the true greatness of America and works toward its continued prosperity.
Written by Armstrong Williams
Official website; http://twitter.com/Arightside
Lawyers are Social Engineers, and teachers of the law. This speaker is entitled to her opinions.
First, by no means am I a far-left extremist. I would define myself as financially conservative, yet socially liberal. Quite the mix. I make conscious attempts to stay intellectually consistent, and the author touched a nerve.
With that said, if you ask nations around the world, I expect many would view the US military as a destructive force of nature. All countries project their military actions as righteous and history is written by the victors. In that aspect we are no better than any other country. No need to say any more about that.
And if you ask most minority citizens here in the US, the police are destructive forces of nature. Oh, I know; “Be respectful when engaged by an officer” right? Well, the respect flies out the window as soon as the blue lights came on and there was no speeding. No weaving. Tags good. But maybe I look too young to drive such a nice car. We know the reason for the stop and “can you step out the car?” questions. To comply encourages the officer to harass the next guy, to decline is disorderly conduct. I guess the author is ok with clear civil rights violations in the name of POLICING as long as he is safe and sound in his neighborhood. Maybe it hits home one day, and he will find the respect he gives has never been mutual.
Where does the source of our “bond” with Israel lie? Regional Stability? Did you bother to ask the Palestinians about that before you made such as statement? SMH.
Finally, do you honestly think we have made strides towards racial harmony over the last two decades? Where have you been (watching Fox)? We only have to go back a few years, and a few million smart phones, to show the only strides we have made are technological, and the phones are now catching the biased treatment and beatings and unjustified shootings we have been complaining about for HUNDREDS of years. How much more would be done if other races were treated the same way? Honestly??
Maybe you want to relax and CONSERVE this way of life, but others want to PROGRESS to a true state of equality that does not require you to proclaim we’re getting there since we will all be able to see and feel free for ourselves.
Would you be happy if her speech was more right leaning? One can still love our country but not like the poor decision we continue to make, or the way we continually hoot and holler about freedom all the while trying to strip the rights of some. Also, she doesn’t have to like Israel either, there’s been a lot of death over there at the hands of the Israeli Defense Force.