Open Letter to White Conservatives: Please STOP Dumbing Down Our Movement.

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( Yesterday I was in the middle of writing my weekly column and I received a text from a good friend with a link to a video by someone named Amaka Ekpunobi.

Normally I don’t look at my phone when I am writing, but for whatever reason this time I did.  And the content of the video by Ekpunobi was so alarming that it made me discard what I was writing and I wrote this column instead.

Her video was one of the most ignorant rants I have seen in a while.

But, before I continue, let me address my white conservative friends who have a sincere, pure heart when it comes to taking our conservative message directly to the Black community.

Some of them ask me why I publicly criticize people like Candance Owens, CJ Pearson, Diamond and Silk and now Ekpunobi.  Well, the answer is quite simple:  they do more damage to our movement than anyone with a white hood over their heads! [click on the link above for each of their names to see my evidence]

They say things that a white person with ill-will only wish they could say and get away with it.

Most of the whites who promote these types of Blacks have no malice in their hearts, they are simply misguided by “good intentions.”

These media seeking sycophants have several things in common:  they have no media training, they have no connection to the Black community, they appeal to a white audience, they are not well read, they have no institutional memory or knowledge of the conservative movement, they refer to themselves as “media personalities or influencers,” and they have absolutely no intellectual curiosity about anything.

White Conservatives

They are simply empty vessels who spew out conservative talking points with no understanding of what they mean and how they will be received by the Black community.

I challenge any of my readers to name me one “real” leader, regardless of color or political leanings, who refer to themselves as personalities or influencers.  They don’t exist!!!

Real leaders don’t measure their effectiveness by followers, tweets, or likes; but they measure their effectiveness by results.

These folks chosen by whites have done nothing to advance the cause of conservatism within the Black community; but rather they have set the movement back in this regard.

In the video linked to above, Ekpunobi went on this poorly worded rant about how she is against the recently past Juneteenth holiday bill that was signed into law by President Biden last week.

She erroneously conflated the bill with the critical race theory nonsense; one has nothing to do with the other.  But how would a 20-year-old notice something like this?  She has no critical thinking skills.

And as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, you can count on our ole buddy Candance Owens to say something stupid about anything targeting the Black community.

If you want to see the ignorance she spewed out about Juneteenth, click on the above link.  I don’t have the mental energy to deal with this level of ignorance and stupidity.  Read it for yourself and send me your thoughts!

Owens and Ekpunobi both have video blogs on Dennis Prager’s PragerU’s website.

I know Prager fairly well.  I used to frequent his radio show many years ago.  He is a very decent person.

Prager has good intentions, but if he is trying to spread conservatism to the Black community, he is failing miserably.

He is doing the exact opposite.  His decisions on messengers are repelling Blacks.

Dennis, when you find yourself in a hole, STOP digging!  I know your heart is in the right place, but you are simply doing damage to the conservative cause and the Black community.

If you put a new product on the market and it is not selling, then you remove the product.  This is business 101.

Dennis, Blacks are not buying the products you are offering to the Black community.  You have been led to believe that that Blacks on your platform represent the mainstream within Black conservatism and they don’t.

They are simply Republican versions of Obama.  They constantly talk down to the Black community, have no connection to the Black community, and simply look to get the proverbial pat on the head from their white overseers.

Dennis, by giving a platform to the Blacks that you conservatives feel comfortable with is the essence of dumbing down our movement and it needs to stop.

During my private conversations with white influential conservatives, they all agree with me, yet they continue to promote Blacks with no connection to the Black community.  They see them as Blacks who throw red meat to white conservative audiences and think it is resonating with the Black community and it isn’t.

But then again, we are not the intended audience.  Your audience is white folks, but you are doing it with a Black face.

So, to my white conservative friends, I hope you now have a better understanding as to why I am so vocal in opposing your promoting foolishness to the Black community.

Would you have Al Sharpton keynote your pro-life convention?  Would you have Ellen DeGeneres host your daughter’s sweet sixteen birthday party?  Would you have Jay-Z as the godfather to your son?

So, why would you continue to promote Blacks who have NO connection to our community?

In the immortal words of my fellow St. Louisan, Michael McDonald of the Doobie Brothers:  “What a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away; ‘cause what seems to be is always better than nothing at all.”

Staff Writer; Raynard Jackson

This talented brother is a Pulitzer Award nominated columnist and founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. BAFBF focuses on the Black entrepreneur. For more information about BAFBF, visit You can follow Raynard on Twitter; Raynard1223.