Staying Active as You Age – 7 Tips to Follow.

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( Staying active is important for any age, but you may find that it’s harder to do as you grow older. As we get older, our bodies naturally start to slow down a bit. The good news is that it’s still possible to stay in shape and be active throughout life! These tips will help you stay active as a senior citizen and live healthy in your later years while also avoiding some common health risks later on in life.

To stay active as you age, start by making sure you get enough good quality sleep each night. Remember that most people need between seven and eight hours of sleep each night to function normally. If you can’t seem to get a full eight hours of sleep, make sure to increase your activity during the day and try to add in a few more nightly activities.

Here are some tips to stay active as you age:

  1. Don’t make inactivity a habit

Most people, who don’t stick to a regular workout schedule, find it difficult to do anything on days when they’re not exercising. If you feel like sitting on the couch and doing nothing, try watching TV or reading instead. Try different kinds of exercises. Go swimming, take a walk, jog around the block and throw in some light weightlifting too for the full experience. Exercises that use your body weight are especially good for beginners because they target multiple muscle groups without requiring any equipment or special skills.

  1. Start slow if you’re new to exercise

It’s easy to get discouraged when you struggle with workouts on the first few days, but remember that it takes time to lose weight and build muscle. If you’re not getting results after a month, change your routine. Perform the same workout, but add more repetitions or increase the resistance a little bit. Still, feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Don’t give up! Many people are amazed at how quickly they can see their bodies change once they start exercising consistently. Just keep going!

older black man exercising

  1. Start small, stay consistent

Don’t try to run a marathon if you’re new to exercise. The best way to build a strong and healthy body is by getting plenty of movement into your day-to-day life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk instead of driving and park far from the building’s entrance. Even 20-30 minutes per day can count towards your daily activity total.

  1. You don’t need to do it all at once

Pick an activity you enjoy and start small! Start with simple stretches, then move on to exercises that target specific muscle groups with lighter weights or easier movements such as jumping jacks, push-ups, or crunches. If you’re having trouble choosing a new activity, try something you haven’t tried before. Work your way up to more difficult exercises over time.

  1. You might have to make some changes

Thinking about starting a regular workout routine? You might find that your current routine isn’t working as well as it used to. Maybe you don’t have enough motivation or maybe it’s too inconvenient or too exhausting for you to get exercise most days of the week. If that’s the case, don’t give up! A doctor or a fitness coach can help you figure out what’s holding you back and whether or not a certain activity is right for you.

  1. Keep learning and make it a part of your daily life

It’s easy to get bored when you’re exercising, but it’s also important to keep challenging yourself and pushing your limits. If you don’t feel like exercising today, try something new tomorrow. Try to find two or three ways to incorporate any new activity into your life every week even if you don’t feel like doing it that day. It might help you make a healthy habit that lasts far beyond any workout you’ve got planned!

  1. Find some new habits

It’s easy to sneak in some new habits and exercise without feeling like you’re working out at all. Go for a walk every night after dinner. Stand up and stretch while watching TV at night. Bring a jump rope to work and take a few minutes during your lunch break to get your body moving.

Take care

While it can be hard to find time for exercise when you’re busy, you should also be taking care of yourself even if you don’t have time for workouts that day. There’s no way around it: as we get older, our energy levels suck. It’s so common to see seniors in the local coffee shop walking slower than a turtle.

The good news is that you can live longer and healthier by staying active, just like any other person. You’re free to set up your own fitness routine or work with a trainer to design a new one that you love — anything is better than sitting on the couch all day!

By adding in these few additional activities, you will be more likely to be active throughout the day and get more restful nights of sleep. If possible, try working out at the gym or being more physically active outside if you live in an area that offers this option.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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