(ThyBlackMan.com) I wasn’t planning on writing this so I will keep it brief. I am a scientist by profession. More specifically if labels of exactness are important, I am a Behavioral epidemiologist. As a child the only two things I knew I wanted to do were write and become a scientist. One ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Dear Black Man, I hope this letter find you in good health. During our last conversation we discussed the importance of living in our purpose. After that conversation I realized that we did not touch on how to identify what your purpose is. It’s quite easy. Self-evaluate to identify ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s been over a year since the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency on January 30 2020 despite the fact that except for Italy most of what was called COVID-19 was relegated to isolated parts of China mainly in Wuhan. During that time we have seen over one hundred nations take unprecedented measures ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) All eyes have been on Georgia’s blatant effort to shove the state permanently back in the red state column with its naked, unabashed Jim Crow style vote suppression ploy. But this is just the warmup for the GOP’s main act. That’s to once and for all erase from the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) From the looks of it, he’s a weak-willed working-class man. A victim of routine and routinely disrespected—by his wife. Everybody thinks he’s wimp. Everyone dumps on him. Is that all there is? That very deceptive setup is the brainchild of Bob Odenkirk, the lead actor in the very twisted ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Church makeovers are common. Congregations and communities spend a lot of time and resources choosing to renovate their sanctuary in hopes of attracting new members and keeping current members happy. A lot of factors go into the makeover, but one of the most important is chairs for church sanctuary ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Once Again the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) proves their irrelevance.  Their name should be changed to “The National Association of Liberal Black Journalists” (NALBJ).  This is a more accurate description of who they are as an organization. The organization claims on their website to, “Advocates on behalf ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) An injustice against our military and veterans’ communities is being prepared in the halls of Congress at the same time the men and women of the National Guard stand post outside the Capitol building to protect lawmakers from an unexplained threat. Senator Chuck Schumer is demanding the President forgive ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In the early 2010s, Lil Wayne’s Young Money record label was poised to be the top record label in the music game with many heavy hitters and a few up and commers with major potential. Sadly, it did not work out this way and the label is all but ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Since the beginning of time, people have carried disease-causing genetic mutations. These mutations can be passed down from common ancestors, resulting in various physical and developmental disabilities.  Genetic disorders affect people of all races, but certain ethnic groups are more likely to experience specific abnormalities. Though there’s no way ...