4 Reasons Why Online Tax Filing Services Are Winning in 2020.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) We can never overlook the impacts of technology across industries, more so the tax compliance field. Today, you can quickly file taxes using a computer or smartphone without giving up your comfort or dedication. For expats, this is the best thing that can happen because more time is put on productivity. If you’re an expat who’s considering outsourcing tax filing services online, then this is why you should go ahead.

1. It’s cheaper.

Hiring a CPA is costly for any expat since most of them operate as individuals. It’s more expensive when an in-house CPA expects to be paid regardless of if they work or not. Keep in mind that you only need to file your taxes once a month, and it’s an exercise that can take a short time, depending on the skills of your accountant.


2. Access from anywhere

Some expats travel a lot. Hence, filing taxes can be a problem. However, tax filing apps have done wonders, and even if you’re on a business trip, you can do your taxes in a matter of minutes. All you need is a reliable tax filing app which you can find for free on app stores. You can read more about taxes for experts here and how you can do your taxes from abroad.Couple working on finances at home


3. The best services

There’s a reason why CPAs hold a high reputation in the current society. They help us handle financial issues that are vital for the survival of any legally registered company. It’s also good to know that there are good and bad CPAs, but this isn’t the case if you’re working with a legitimate service provider. One of the main reasons why tax filing apps are taking over is because they are composed of a pool of well-trained CPAs who are working together toward solving your problem.


4. It’s fast and easy to work with.

Usually, doing taxes means turning over page after page of your financial records, while your other hand holds a pen and calculator. It can go for days or hours, depending on the size of your books. When using a tax filing app or if you outsource online, all you need to do is upload your records and leave the rest to the tax company. It’s as easy as it sounds.


When choosing a tax filing app

There are so many tax filing apps and online services you’ll come across during your search. You must know people have lost money to fake tax companies, and therefore, your research should be thorough. Keep in mind that all these companies have different policies, and even charge differently for their services.



As an expat, you have very little time to waste on other things that aren’t relevant to you. Not that taxes are irrelevant, but you don’t need to struggle to file them when it can be done for you at your convenience.

Staff Writer; Ron Farmer