4 Common Skin Problems in Pets.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Extreme weather conditions and poor grooming are the leading causes of skin problems in pets. Some people feed their pets with low-quality foods. Dry coat and constant scratching are primary symptoms of deteriorating skin health in animals. It is essential to constantly check your pet’s skin condition and to take them to a veterinarian for treatment. If you want to to be completely covered in case of emergencies, you should get your pet on an insurance plan, like those offered by Bivvy. We present to you four common skin problems in pets.

1.      Hives

Hives are an allergic reaction which is common in dogs. It appears as itchy round bumps. Their raised nature makes you’re the coat protrude in some areas. It swells some body parts including the eyelids. Naturally, hives can appear and develop in less than an hour since a dog gets exposed to a particular allergen.

There are other causes of hives such as insect bites, medications, and topical applications. The bumps disappear once you remove the stimulant. It is advisable to visit a vet if the hives are severe. They will apply an antihistamine to minimize swelling. Alternatively, you could smear a hypoallergenic shampoo on the coat to clean it. Rinse your pet’s coat with clean water to remove excess shampoo. One may also need to take your pet the veterinary. While there, many will use an ultrasound machine to fully examine what is wrong, etc.

2.      Dermatitis

There are two types of dermatitis, environmental and nutritional dermatitis. Environmental dermatitis results from interactions with bugs, dirt, grass or plants. Your pet may expose part of their skin if they lick on a certain body part constantly and chew their hair. The exposed skin area might absorb water thus resulting in moist dermatitis. Apply a Benzoyl Peroxide shampoo on the exposed area to prevent dermatitis from aggravating.

Malnourishment leads to nutritional dermatitis. Purchase whole meal foods for your pet. Some pet foods lack vital nutrients for proper growth and development. Choose supplements with Omega fatty acids and meat protein. Raw freeze-dried dog food is becoming more popular because of the great benefits of its natural and nutrient-rich composition. It is also so tasty that even the pickiest dogs will eat it.

3.      Mange

Demodex and Scabies mites cause mange in dogs. Typically, Demodex mites are common in dogs. They do not cause major health issues. However, if your pet has a weak immune system, the mites can cause extensive skin damage and hair loss. Itching and bacterial infections occur over time. Initially, the dog does not itch. You will see tiny hair loss patches before the condition worsens.

Scabies is an itchy mange that is transmitted to pets by wombats and infected dogs. It is prevalent in suburban fringes. In its initial phase, the disease could appear as ordinary itching. Apply the right medication to treat Demodex mange and scabies. Nevertheless, different types of treatments are administered to treat the mites. Visit a nearby veterinarian for accurate diagnosis.

4.      Skin Allergies

Most pet owners take their animals to vets for skin allergy treatment. Poor breeding could expose pets to different health conditions. It is often difficult to determine a specific cause of skin allergies. However, an experienced dog trainer or veterinarian can identify the cause of a specific allergy. Diagnosis is essential to prevent the allergy from recurring. The vet might use a hydrocortisone product to treat mild skin itchiness.

Skin allergies occur when a pet reacts to a stimulant. It could be an insect, a certain food or contaminated air. The pets’ food might contain an allergen which triggers the immune system to react. Pets display allergic reactions through persistent itching.

Malnutrition and parasite attacks may cause skin problems in pets. Veterinarians recommend feeding your pet with Omega-6 fatty acids to improve the strength of their skin cells and to minimize dehydration. Comprehensive management is crucial to treat different skin problems.

Staff Writer; Edward Mimi