Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose Instagram Pose for Selfie: Fued Over!

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( The infamous lovers of Kanye West, wife Kim Kardashian and ex-lover Amber Rose, seem to have bonded after Kanye’s blunder on Twitter last week that brought Muva out. Of course, wife Kim Kardashian who gained a bit of fame through her friendship with Paris Hilton but a larger audience came after a 2003 sex tape with ex-lover Ray J in 2007. It’s been said that the notorious sex tape gained the Kardashians a whooping $65 million from the exposure.

The Kardashian clan joined Oprah Winfrey’s for an indepth interview on Oprah’s Next Chapter during which Kim Kardashian discussed the notorious sex tape during which Kim confessed “That’s how I was definitely introduced to the world. it was a negative way, so I felt like I really had to work ten times harder to get people to see the real me.

Ex-lover Amber Rose fame came from exposure during her 2016-kim-kardashian-amber-roserelationship with Kanye West which lasted from 2009 and 2010. During an interview with The Breakfast Club, Kanye West said he couldn’t have sex with Kim Kardashian until he took 30 showers to rid himself of the stench of Amber Rose. I always found that comment very interesting, 30 showers, as a safe sex preventive? Seems she would have requested testing for sexually transmitted diseases if she felt Amber Rose was filthy, but hey, I guess showers work. Afterwards Amber Rose stated “I went from 1.2 million Instagram followers to 5.5 million in a couple of months”.

It all made perfect sense on Tuesday, February 2nd when Kim Kardashian “nearly broke the Internet in the early hours” according to US Magazine, when Kim shared a selfie of herself hanging out with Amber Rose

“Tea anyone?” Kim captioned when she posted the picture of the two pouting for the camera while dressed in all black. “Swingers,” Rose, 32, captioned the same image when she shared it on her Instagram, just moments before Kardashian.

It’s wonderful to see these two women who have so much in common come together and share some sisterly love as though both seem to be extremely comfortable in their sexuality and both fulfill Kanye West’s “type”. After all the fueding, I wonder if the two will now join efforts in the next Slut Walk to empower other women who man desire to release a sex tape, strip or have one night stands as they please. Go head ladies!

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Staff Writer; Dina Tuff

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