Black People: Are You A Zombie Helping Your Own Extermination?

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( Genocide is real. We have seen it through Apartheid, all over Africa and in Germany prior to World War II. Eugenics (population control) is real. Ethnic BioWeapons are real. But all that being sad, what are you doing while the powers that be are trying to exterminate your entire “race” or ethnicity? Maybe you don’t worry about it, refuse to think about it, don’t know about it or simply pray about it and go on while it happens all around you. Maybe you think you are exempt or maybe you even feel there is nothing you can do. But every one of these thoughts is either inaccurate or incomplete. It’s time to wake up, get up, step up and speak up. Sticking your head in the sands of denial will not solve anything.


We are watching our children be poisoned by water filled with lead, and not just in Michigan. Many more of us should be purchasing a $10 water test kit from home depot and testing our water all around the country. But many of you will unfortunately do nothing because you are waiting on your white savior government to come rescue you instead. African Americans our health, safety and economic prosperity are up to US, not any government, doctor nor anybody of any other color. When our people realize that as a people, we will rise to what we should have already become. Stop waiting, stop hoping and start making things happen.

We are watching our families disintegrate from the infection of homosexuality, transgender nonsense, emasculation, broken relationships and abortion. We say we need Planned Parenthood without realizing that Margaret Sanger who created it was a strong believer in the “master race” theory that Hitler tried to create. Planned Parenthood was placed in the African American community to reduce our population by killing as many unborn African American babies as possible. Wake up.

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African Americans are staying more informed on who won the game than who may be the next President, a position that will clearly impact our lives through healthcare, entitlement programs, race relations and police brutality.Black-America-2014

You are either part of the solution or part of the problem – and if you do nothing while we are being exterminated, don’t complain about it when it arrives at your door.

A few years ago the CDC released a Zombie Control Plan and those who knew about it laughed. Those who did not know about it were likely many of the very people referenced in the plan. Take away the reanimation element of zombies in scary movies and what do you have left? A dumbed down, clueless human being whose mental faculties have been reduced to our most primitive state. The African American community is becoming and has largely become a bunch of zombies – passive, clueless and asleep or with little or no awareness of what is going on around us. Therefore our people as a whole stand by while we are being exterminated because they don’t have a clue it is happening. Wake up.

We eat slave food filled with grease (Ox Tails, Chitterlings, Pig Feet, Turkey Necks etc.). We smoke mind altering marijuana laced with rat poison and embalming fluid. We fight, shoot and kill each other. We pack the jails and prisons and courts and child support offices. Though is it not all African Americans, far too many of us rely on the government to fix our water or to provide food, housing, safety, baby formula and healthcare. And we blame the “white” man or the government or the job when we do not achieve. It’s time to wake up and stop being a zombie who is participating in our own extermination.

Our role models are rich adulterous comedians, unmarried, unfulfilled talk show hosts and grown men who play games by bouncing, throwing or catching a ball for a living. who have no idea who God is. Our children are angry, confused about their roles, their gender and their education. Quality family time is a relic of our past and we allow our children to be raised by Xbox, Playstation, Kim Kartrashian dysfunctional families, Kanye, glorified booty shakers for money like Beyonce’, Rihanna and Nikki Minaj and self destructive rap or hip hop that degrades our people through obscenity and materialism. This stuff has been planted into our communities to destroy us. Yet we make excuses and defend the right to be or stay ignorant, saggin (niggas spelled backwards) and lost. Yes the impact of being a zombie has set in. Is it any wonder that people of other ethnic groups see us as expendable? And if “black lives matter” as our people promote, then why do so many of us keep killing, bringing down and stealing from each other? Programmed zombies but identity is the cure.

There are African American churches everywhere you turn but yet crime, poverty, divorce, homelessness, joblessness, infidelity and disease are everywhere too. Why?

Our people will come to a riot or a protest, not even really knowing what they are angry about. Our people will go to a game or an emasculated Tyler Perry play. Our people will show up to blame somebody else, whether it is the police officer who slammed the child we refused to discipline or the teacher who could not teach our children because we would not reinforce the value of education. But try to get those same people to peacefully join together for a cause, show up at a voting booth, listen to educational talk radio or support African American businesses in our own neighborhood. You will hear the sound of crickets.


It does not have to be this way and we can reverse the downward spiral of our people. When is the last time you sat down for dinner as a family – no cell phones allowed? Or did you just say you were too busy? When is the last time you pulled out your phone to look up the effects of marijuana, not just to get on Facebook? When is the last time you checked your children’s homework, or volunteered at the school? When is the last time you attended a community meeting to make your neighborhood safer without blaming somebody else? When is the last time you lifted someone up, built someone up or reached out when you did not have to? Or are you waiting on Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and others to come tell you to do it? Oh yes it’s time to wake up and make a difference.

If you don’t like the claims in this article, wake up and see for yourself.

The answer starts with identity and personal accountability. We have to know who we are as a people, not who we have been defined to be by others. We are not “black” people because black is the color of your car tires, not your skin. We are a great people with great potential but that has been hidden, forgotten and discarded. Physical slavery did a number on our people and mental slavery took the second shift to finish the job. But it’s time to wake up. We did not all come from the jungle and jump to the beat of the drums. Our people were all over this planet and impacted societies and cultures on every continent. We have forgotten who we are so we act the slaves American has made us to be. Wake up. Please wake up.

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony