Descendants Of Immigrants Forgetting Their Past Family History.

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( Racial bigotry is analogous to a train that makes periodic stops along a well-worn path. This train is a familiar site for indigenous populations, persons of African descent, Hispanics, and to poor whites. Although many have chosen to forget the roots of America’s new immigrants — the Irish, Russian, Italian, German, and Polish — bigotry is no stranger to them. Unfortunately, one could set their clock by the bigotry train as it never failed to visit marginalized populations.

When one considers America’s history of xenophobia and racial bigotry, it stands to reason that those whose ancestors have been victimized by some form of this nation’s foremost social cancer would staunchly oppose its reappearance. Alas, we do not live in a country occupied by those governed by reason. Experience has taught me that the areas where right and justice should live, opportunism and exploitation reside.

Unfortunately for the families being torn apart at the border, it appears that the descendants of those previously victimized by racial/ethnic bigotry and intolerance have either forgotten or never learned about the pernicious evils their ancestors experienced in the “land of the free and home of the brave.”

It is no stretch to argue that this angry white horde supporting un-American of activities along the southern border are suffering from a collection of illiteracies (historical, political, educational, and moral) that are colluding and interlocking in a manner that makes rational thought an impossibility.

If the angry horde of “whites,” a population that includes persons of every imaginable flavor of European ancestry, were better versed on their own history, they would understand that their present rabble-rousing is eerily similar to the symphony of hatred that turn-of-the-century whites, meaning white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, hurled at their ancestors. It was those of British ancestry that stood in staunch defiance of new immigrants arriving in this nation two centuries ago.

At a moment where this nation desperately needs a moral compass, the present population of mongrelized Europeans has conveniently chosen to forget their sad past and joined an angry horde of “whites” whose sole focus appears to be reestablishing what has always been an immoral claim to sole ownership of this nation. The descendants of “new immigrants” who have decided to take a seat on the bigotry train are false to their past and therefore destined to be false in their future. At a moment when the descendants of those denigrated during America’s Industrial Revolution need to be guided by compassion and morality, it appears that cowardice, immorality, and political opportunism serve as their compass.

One would hope that those victimized by bigotry at any point in their development as a people would learn the dangers of associating with such immorality. However, it appears that the descendants of new immigrants have decided to forego adopting the “never again” refrain that motivates the Jewish community and become the purveyors of racial bigotry. Unfortunately, it appears that many of the descendants of European immigrants who served as the beasts of burden for industrial barons have adopted the coward’s creed of “if you cannot beat them, join them” and capitulated to the political opportunism espoused by the Trump administration.

The assimilation of the descendants of America’s exploited industrial worker class under an undefined umbrella of whiteness offers them significant protections and benefits. As always, the alluded to increase comes at a substantial cost to one’s humanity.

This decision by prior victims of bigotry and xenophobia to ignore the evil dealings of the powerful in exchange for a few silver coins reminds me of the scriptural admonishment found in Mark 8:36; “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul.” This decision to support the Trump administration’s wickedness is most certainly a Faustian deal — meaning an agreement with the Devil — and as we all know, the Devil always gets his due.

Staff Writer; Dr. James Thomas Jones III

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