Democrats; From Party Of Slavery To Party Of Crazy!!

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( Republicans in name only (RINOs), notwithstanding, Democrats haven’t just lost their minds – they can only be described as loathsome and duplicitous, if not the personification of evil. And yet they consider themselves the arbiters of morals and moral standards. Even if the idea of morality could be loosely applied to them, morals without moral absolutes equates to amorality.

Maxine “Toxic” Waters demanded her hordes terrorize President Trump, members of his administration and his supporters. The liberal mainstream media dismissed that factoid as members of their “cult of misinformation” and agitprop rushed to blame President Trump for the violence that erupted at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, last week.

Conor Berry, a so-called journalist for the Springfield Reporter, falsely claimed that Jarrod W. Ramos left his “Make America Proud Again” (MAGA) cap on the floor before beginning his murderous rampage. His now deleted tweet read: “Shooter who killed 4 people at Annapolis newspaper dropped his #MAGA hat on newsroom floor before opening fire.”

After being caught in his lie, he apologized, claiming that the tweet was intended to be a “snarky, sarcastic, cynical remark.” That is pure nonsense, and I would tell him that to his face. What if he had not been caught in his lie? Would he have volunteered the truth? Of course he wouldn’t have.

Being fired for his actions is not a harsh enough penalty.

Rob Cox, the Reuters Breakingviews editor, claimed that he “responded emotionally and inappropriately” after the public backlash for tweeting: “This is what happens when @realDonaldTrump calls journalists the enemy of the people. Blood is on your hands, Mr. President. Save your thoughts and prayers for your empty soul.”

Cox claimed that he wrote the tweet during a “state of emotional distress.” If he suffers from such deep “emotional distress,” he should be in a psychiatric care facility. He shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets alone. How many other fallacious accusations has he made that haven’t been exposed? reported: “Cox wasn’t the only powerful media member attempting to pin the tragic attacks on President Trump. Think Progress founder Judd Legum claimed ‘Ramos does appear to be a Trump supporter,’ using a 2015 tweet that had nothing to do with politics as his evidence. He was quickly mocked for the misleading tweet.” (See: “Reuters Editor Apologizes, Could Be Disciplined After Blaming Capital Gazette Shooting On Trump.”)

I disagree with the writers’ characterization; Legum’s tweet wasn’t “misleading.” It was an unmitigated lie. Yet, the left caterwauls over being called “fake news.”

The announced retirement of Associate Justice Kennedy from the Supreme Court has sent progressives into an apoplectic state that redefines operose as applied to their incessant claims Donald Trump is not morally fit to be president.

Pro “baby murderers,” i.e., pro-abortionists, and the mainstream media urged on by the likes of Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., are the modern-day equivalent of the minions Shakespeare envisioned when he wrote that Henry V had ready for deployment, the hounds “famine, sword and fire.”

President Trump hasn’t announced his nominee to replace Justice Kennedy, but that hasn’t stopped his enemies. In a crazed frenzy they are claiming that Trump is going to have Roe v. Wade overturned. They are claiming that via his high-court pick the president is going to undo Brown v. Board of Education destroy the Constitution.

The Constitution has already been marginalized to the point of being a shell of what it was penned to ensure. Liberals opposed to the founding documents that guaranteed freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and the “Takings Clause” of the Fifth Amendment would have stripped away these rights long ago if they had their way.

The 15th Amendment, which “prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based upon race, color, or previous condition of servitude,” was rendered of no effect when Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder, permitted members of the New Black Panther Party brandishing clubs to drive whites away from the polls in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

What about the rights of the nearly 55 million babies who have been murdered by abortion? These arbiters of morality should be protesting the murder of unborn babies juxtaposed to protesting illegal alien children separated from their families – albeit they overlook that it is Obama, not President Trump who is responsible for the practice.

Will we see their outrage when innocent Trump supporters are attacked and potentially killed because of Maxine “Toxic” Waters and Hillary Clinton inciting their hordes to harass and confront (read: attack) members of the president’s administration and his supporters? Of course we won’t. The mainstream media will not even report said incidents unless they are forced to; and even then they will find a way to blame the President Trump.

The behavior of liberal Democrats is reprobate evil. When people call bad good and good evil what else can be said of it?

Written by Mychal Massie

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