Devout Christians: How Satan Deceives Most of You.

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( Most of you reading this article, including those of you who say you are devoted Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Jehovah’s Witness, Mormons, etc. have been so deceived that you did not even realize when it happened, how it happened or that it happened. You read your religious or spiritual books, yet your leaders told you what to see and what to believe. And that is exactly what you did. Their leaders and teachers did the same to them. And almost all stayed within the confines of their teachings, disciplines and beliefs as if they held the hold truth. WRONG!

Devout Christians: How Satan Deceives Most of You.

You go to church or the mosque or the synagogue, but when it comes right down to it, you don’t know that Satan is real. You read about him. You hear talk and sermons about him. You pray against him. But you have no idea who he is, how real he is nor what devices he uses. For most of you reading this article, your knowledge of the one you call you adversary is limited to what you have been told, not what you have researched and verified. What you believe, not what you know. And the sign of the serpent is embedded throughout this planet, from countries to cultures, industries to religious worship. Monarchies to ancient civilizations. So while most of you won’t go that deep down the rabbit hole, how can you stand against any force when you know very little about it?

Regardless of what you have been told, this is not just a “spiritual” issue, because Satan is not simply a spiritual being. Therefore this is not a “religious” article that should be tucked away in the “religious” section. We are talking about a real being from a real location who operates on a real planet, called Earth, among other places. Monthly all religions and belief systems, camouflage this knowledge by making you think Satan did not exist or making you think that he was only a spiritual being who had to be fought in a prayer closet. But they left out quite a lot of the truth.

Extensive research I completed over decades clearly shows that Satan and Lucifer are NOT the same person. Nor is Satan any more a snake than he is the red devil with a pitch fork on the can of deviled ham, whatever that is. But because Satan and Lucifer have so much in common, people for centuries have assumed they were one of the same. Well, I’m here to blow the lid off the truth, and let you know they are not. Can that be proven? Yes. Can I prove it to you in one article? Not in this article. Not this time. Have you ever wondered where the name “Satan” came from? Does the church even know the real etymology beyond the little that they tell you? Or is it just the Vatican that knows? I suggest you look up “Satania” to start.

An enemy that can go undetected is an enemy who can basically get away with almost anything. He can enter it to households, businesses, churches, mosques, synagogues, pulpits, political parties, governments, relationships of all kinds, banking systems, the medical industry, broadcast media, the movie industry, the music industry and then some. All while being virtually undetected by most, disbelieved by many and accepted by some.

As for God, who He is / They are is another discussion for another time. But I’ll say this, the truth about that topic won’t exactly make your day either. Maybe that is why so many people avoid the truth. Too deep, too scary and almost unbelievable – almost.

Satan deceives and influences the weak minded, the easily manipulated, the dark hearted, the malevolent, the selfish, the often persuaded by the crowd, the followers who refuse to think, research or verify and those who do not believe that he is even real. Those think that he is a spiritual being unable to operate in a physical and natural world are just as lost and confused.

In the life of the individual, marriage, relationship, household, or family, Satan does not operate by overpowering you. He operates by feeding the selfish part of you, the malevolent part of you, the dark agenda part of you, the part of you that you hide from others. If he can access those parts and feed them, he can take you in the wrong direction. And fast. It happens every day, including in the lives of those considered spiritual leaders.

Possession is almost never necessary from Satan’s perspective when he can simply empower the dark part of you that was already there before he arrived. If he can do that, the dark person that many of you hide from the world will do the rest. The “devil made you do it”? No, not overwhelmingly most of the time. Instead, the “devil helped you do it”. The “it” being what you wanted to do. And he made you feel OK about it. Whether it is divorce or abortion or other self-sabotaging habits and choices that are labeled “addictions”. He gives people all of the excuses. And because so many people live and are ruled by those comfortable excuses, anyone will to face the truth stands out like an unpopular sore thumb.

By now I don’t have to convince you, because if you look deep within yourself, most of you already know what I say is true. Yet many of you do not feel out of place because you live your life within the norm of the majority of people. The same majority that dwells in darkness. The same majority that can be easily manipulated and controlled as long as they get what they want.

For a great many of you, Satan has never been your enemy or your adversary. He has been your enabler. Your excuse. Your justification. Your weapon of self-empowerment to think what you want to think, believe what you want to believe, achieve what you want to achieve and do whatever you want to do. So you pray against a being you actually know very little about, use him as a scapegoat excuse then stay the way you are. When that happens, as if often does you are losing on so many levels. All the while clueless as to what is really happening.

In failed relationships, of course the two people have the main roles and responsibility. But Satan has a part in relationships, and often walks away unnoticed for the damage he did. The same is true in other conflicts, including crime and war. An undetectable enemy is very powerful because the fact that people don’t believe he is there or that he exist is the very power that protects him and reinforces his strength. Sadly, most of you still don’t get it. See you end up being victims, pawns, scapegoats, or all of the above. Reference “the demon murder case”.

There is a ton of proof for all that you have just read, if you really want to know. Do you? Or is this a little too real for you? If you will look at things for what they are instead of what people tell you they are, your eyes will be opened. If you don’t fear the truth. Do you, honestly? So while many of you are quick to say this article is wrong, what if it is right? Then what?

I’m not going to get much into where Satan actually came from (and yes, I know), and who Lucifer actually is. Mainly because many of you would not believe it, most of you could not handle it because it and it is not my responsibility to do all of your homework. But I will tell you this, the truth is much larger, much deeper and much darker than any clergy or any “spiritual” book has ever ventured to tell you. You would be surprised what can be cloaked in “spirituality” and hidden from you by those in power. Even hidden in plain sight.

So now you know enough to get you started on the fast track in the right direction to the whole truth. To do some homework, some research. Even if it is to prove me wrong. I dare you. Most of you are still shaking your head and quite a few of you won’t dare to walk down the road of the whole truth. Then there are those of you who knew halfway through this article that it was the truth in the first place. All of the above is what happens when you go down this rabbit hole. Do you dare?

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at;