10 Essential God of War Tips and Tricks.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) If you’re playing the latest PS4 exclusive game, here are some God of War tips and tricks you should try. The new God of War game throws a bunch of new gameplay mechanics to deal with, and by using these tips, you can get an upper hand in many situations no matter if you’re exploring, guiding Atreus, or busy fighting a monster.

Those who wander aren’t lost

If you don’t need a bunch of God of War tips and tricks but only one, remember this. As much as you can, keep yourself in exploration mode. Don’t just follow the main storyline and ignore what’s hidden in the nearby areas. Spend time, go to the areas because everything in the God of War leads to something new and interesting.

Play in 4K

If you’re playing God of War on PlayStation 4 Pro, play the game in “favor performance” mode to enjoy rich 4K graphics. So if you have a big 4K monitor or TV, do it because you are going to enjoy the beautifully designed forests, waterfalls, and creepy monsters.

Use boat

Boats are always available when you need them. In God of War, you get to use a lot of different boats and you do not earn anything while progressing but remember that you may find it helpful as a boat can keep you safe from attacks. You can also earn rewards when you’re on a boat if you look at your surroundings carefully.

Shop smartly

God of War has tonnes of gears and weapons. It can be tempting to rush and buy everything you can in the beginning. When it comes to choosing weapons, make smart moves and have patience. Don’t just load yourself up with weapons in the early stages, keep collecting hack silver and use it in upgrading bow and axe instead of buying armor which you can easily get for free.

Upgrade Atreus’ arrow skills

You may be feeling that Kratos’ son Atreus is not going to be a great help in game and instead of upgrading his skills, you should focus on Kratos. The truth is, Atreus has got some solid arrow skills and you should not ignore his need for an upgrade. The little guy will be with you on this epic journey and his skills can turn out to be a big help later in the game.

Focus on one playstyle at a time

Don’t just unlock everything, but be strategic about which special powers and features you unlock in the game at later stages. In the end, you will be unlocking all the powers and skills of the two characters but in the beginning, stick to a plan. One of the coolest God of War tricks we’ve found is that you can focus on arrow upgrades or axe upgrades depending on how you choose to play and if you will continue upgrading in this pattern, you will get an edge during combats.

Don’t get confused by unlocked chambers and areas

If you’re at a level where you are seeing a mirror, a mysterious box or a chamber and there’s no way to open them. Just ignore it because you’ll be able to open such things later in the game. These mysterious objects are not puzzles so don’t waste your time and energy on trying to solve the mystery behind these objects. Once you reach a certain level, you’ll be guided to these areas through obvious paths. It’s a small advice that could come in handy.

Don’t pick unnecessary fights

In God of War, there are many fights that you can just ignore and not participate in. These battles are completely optional. It would be great if you could just ignore them unless you’re confident enough about your powers. Even in the early stages, you can avoid such fights and come back later after accumulating enough skills and power.

Don’t ignore the details

It’s easy to ignore what the kid is saying and what he’s writing in his journal. It’s also easy to ignore those conversations that take place during cutscenes. But if you pay attention to these things, you will get to know a lot about the backstory. Sometimes, this exchange of dialogues can help players understand the story in a better way. Spend time instead of skipping these parts. There are a few God of War tips and tricks you can try here, like reading the journal, listening to what Atreus says.

Look for Odin’s ravens

You’ll need a lot of time to find and kill all of these creatures, but make sure you look for them. Odin’s ravens are everywhere in the game and they are hidden in almost every place. Killing these green birds will eventually give you great rewards including the gold trophy called Allfather Blinded trophy.

God of War has been impressing gamers at large ever since it first hit store shelves in April 2018, but whether you’ve started playing the game or you’ve been playing it ever since its release, there are so many God of War tips and tricks you can learn in the game.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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