Always Make People Put Sum Respeck On Ya Name.

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( Rich or poor, the only thing you have in this world is your name, and when you die the only thing that counts is what the world thought of you, so nothing is more important than your name.

People must RESPECK your name or you’ll ”starve to death”. You living an amazing life or dying in poverty will be based on the kind of RESPECK you have on your name. You must make sure your name is always in good standing, both your analogue name as well as your digital name.


Your analogue name represents your physical self. It represents the relationship you have with people in the physical realm, the way you are treated solely depends on how people feel about your name. If you are a stand up person, that characteristic is attached to your name. When people think about you, they think about your name first, and when they think about your name, you want them to think prestige. You want them to think greatness, you want them to think RESPECK every time your name is brought up in a conversation. Your name will always travel faster than you, remember that, so 2016-Respeckwhile your name is traveling from mouth to mouth, you want it to be forging alliances, speaking on your behalf while you’re not around. Your name has the ability to turn strangers into friends, without people even making contact with you.  Make people put some RESPECK on your name, try this.


All a person really has is their word. No matter how much money you have, your word out weighs that. If you say you’re going to do something, make sure you do it, and the best way to make sure it gets done is to write it down. When you write it down, you form a covenant with yourself. You feel an inner conviction to always do what you say you’re going to do, for yourself first, then others. Do what you say.


Have you ever been somewhere and over heard someone talking loudly? Everything that came out of their mouth was about someone else? Did you think to yourself, DAMN HOW DOES THIS PERSON KNOW EVERYONE’S BUSINESS? Well imagine that person talking loudly is you! Imagine how you look knowing everyone’s business. If you know a lot of people’s business, how would you ever time to focus on your own? People don’t respect people who gossip, you can’t be trusted.


Riding around in the Benz doesn’t mean shit, if your riding around by yourself and can’t share the experience with someone else. If you’re a person that smiles a lot, you should try to figure out how to make those around you smile as well. You want for your friends, the things you want for yourself, EVERYONE EATS. When you have this mentality everyone wants you around cause your good luck, things seem to go way better in your presence. You’ll realize you’re really becoming a boss when the things you eat, starts to make everyone else shit.


This applies to both men and women and it’s very important. Women must love you and men must respect you, that’s how this game works. Women must love everything about you, your style, your mystery, your culture and charisma, while the men respect the way you move. You want men to respect your idea’s, and your approach to business. Men respect power and the ability of an individual to create. Take this very serious, cause it’s vital in establishing a good name.



Your digital name is your social media self, and this part of you is just as important as your analogue name. Your digital name has a longer reach then your analogue name, because it gives you the ability to be global, while still remaining local. Social media is here to stay like it or not, if you’re participating in social media, make sure you carry a good name, try this.


Many people make the mistake of thinking their Facebook page is “THEIR FACEBOOK” but that’s very untrue. Facebook is not yours and neither is the content you upload to it. All of your intellectual property that you post to Facebook, is the property of Facebook. It works the same way with twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and all the popular social media sites. They provide you with a platform to express yourself, but they own your expression. These sites don’t provide content, without the user, they couldn’t function. It’s smarter to use these social network sites to drive traffic to your own personal blog or website. Drive traffic to a platform that you own, a platform that has no censorship and you’ll have the creative freedom to express yourself totally, without bias, and without getting banned.


Don’t be the person that has to comment on everything you see getting into debates with people, nah that’s a waste of time. Don’t be the person that’s writing long ass comments either, make your point and keep it moving. It’s not a good look to be on other people’s statuses, trying to convince people about shit that is important to you, people are going to believe whatever they want and you shouldn’t be bothered by that. If you see something you don’t agree with, fuck it just keep scrolling, it’s not that serious, but if you do decide to comment, say your piece, and that’s it leave it there, focus on just adding on instead of trying to be right. Trying to be right is going to make you look like a troll.


People play by different rules these days clearly! They don’t think screen shots are a form of snitching, but it is. You have to be careful with who you connect with on social media, cause a conversation you think is private can totally ruin your name. A digital scandal can put a stain on your analogue name so you must have incredible discernment with who you spend your time with online. Dick picks that are exposed, are a bad look for a man, doesn’t matter his dick size, cause it’s a sign of thirst, but naked pics of women, don’t hurt their brand, it actually boosts it. The game is strange, and people don’t go by the same codes, so watch how you conduct yourself in those DM’s.



It’s many levels to the game, but no matter the level, your name will always matter. Guard your name, and make people RESPECK it all times. Sometimes people are out-of-pocket and they might not know any better, so they may think it’s profitable to dirty your name up, and when this happens you must find the proper language to speak back to them. You can’t always slap someone because they will sue you, so you have to out think them. Find the approach that works for the situation, but make sure you come out on top and your name reigns supreme.

Written by Ken Brisbon

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