(ThyBlackMan.com) “Imagine a hairstyle that not only turns heads but also boldly expresses cultural identity and style.” That’s the power of twist hairstyles for black men. In today’s fashion-forward era, the aesthetic appeal and profound cultural significance of twist hairstyles can’t be overstated. This blog post delves into why these ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) People are usually passionate and committed when supporting their side, and sometimes they go to extremes, they indulge in mind-blogging foolishness, to show their support. This display of partisanship and unqualified support sometimes become bizarre, even appalling, and pathetic, as, for example, when some people undergo plastic surgery to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Donald Trump must think Black people are idiots. This week, while Trump is forced to remain in New York for his hush-money criminal trial, his re-election campaign staged a carefully orchestrated photo op at a bodega on the outskirts of Harlem. They billed it as Trump‘s triumphant visit to the Black community but ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Sometimes I try to make sense of things that are beyond the terms of pragmatism. For example, I do not need to understand why many life forms need water or how gravity works. These are not issues that do not require any serious action other than evaluating and accepting ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There was a time when you went to church, not primarily for the singing, or the fellowship offered by a gathering of the saints, although those were good things to have, but to hear the word of God lovingly and powerfully presented. In those circumstances, you often left the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In this month of remembering, reading and raising up the work and life of August Wilson (April 27, 1945-October 2, 2005), arguably the most successful and celebrated playwright in U.S. history, I reach back in the practice of sankofa to retrieve and bring forth again some essential elements of his artistic ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) All across these United States of America college and university students are preparing for Spring semester final exams. Well, maybe not so much on the campus of Columbia University, where they are busy chanting intifada and revolution—serious calls to violence. I want to honor this special time, which is ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The black community is on a mission to stop racism against them. And we all should raise our voices with them. As of now, the empowerment of the black community is imperative because they are continuously facing many challenges like racism and many social injustices in America and Europe. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Black American voters, and protesters have done everything right. It is Black American leaders, from former president Barack Obama down, to local state, county, and city leaders, who have done everything wrong. When ask to get out, and vote, Black American voters showed up at the polls in record ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We all have a purpose and a destiny upon our lives whether we know it or not. Truly our purpose is to fulfill the will of God upon our lives, but in order to do that we have to know what the will of God is and then begin ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Black poetry has long been a profound avenue for expression, storytelling, and resistance, carving a distinct niche within the broader literary landscape. From the rhythmic echoes of spoken word to the deep reverberations of classic verse, black poets have consistently provided powerful voices that shape how we understand both ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What does Christianity really mean in your life? This isn’t just a question for Sunday mornings or religious holidays. It’s a question that reaches into the very fabric of daily existence for billions around the globe. Whether you’re a devout follower or simply curious about the faith, understanding the ...