(ThyBlackMan.com) 2022 thus far has been a year of multiple socioeconomic and political challenges for all Americans across the nation. Yet for African-Americans and other communities of color, this year represents both challenges and opportunities from a business ownership perspective. In particular, for Black-owned media businesses there is a growing sense of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The U.S. Senate is scheduled to start reviewing a record $850 billion defense bill during the month of September. The legislation funds troop compensation and authorizes the military to purchase the latest weaponry for any potential 21st century conflict. This bill is woefully deficient in preparing Americans for the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If you are facing great difficulty making ends meet, your budget and bank balance are probably taking a hit. Something else that will get affected in such situations is your credit score. Making repayments can be challenging when you are going through a financial crisis. Missing them or making ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I had the privilege of attending and addressing the All African Diaspora Summit at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. Convened by Dr. Edward Bush, President of Cosumnes River College, a community college near Sacramento, California, the conference drew more than 400 attendees, many from the California Community College ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Celebrity worship has been a part of the human condition for as long as we have been a part of the landscape.  I think we sometimes discount the depth of our involvement in the social elevation of those we think of as being heroes, talented, or special.  Celebrity worship – of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If there is one politician who deserves to be booed it is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). On Saturday night at Central Park in New York City among fellow leftists Pelosi received her just deserts. As she was making a surprise speech to the crowd at the Global Citizen’s ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If you listen to the “60 Minutes” interview recently aired on Sunday, September 18th, you hear President Biden doubling down, on his policy of undercounting the Job Rates of working-class Americans, leading to under-reporting our layoffs, which hurt Black Americans a lot more, than other worker groups, because blacks ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) For a long time the Descendants of African Slaves in America have been voting, supporting, preaching, praying, advocating and fighting for a political group that does not do anything in favor of the progress of Black men and Black women but instead give all their morals, laws and socio ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Mental health is critical for all human beings. There are several ways to maintain quality mental health that are different in effectiveness based on one’s circumstance. There challenges to mental health daily for all human beings as we face life and societal challenges that can weigh heavily depending on ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Taking a much needed breather from work I necessary to keep us on target to meet the goals we set. However, we know time is an entity that, once gone, can never be recovered. Too often we allow distractions to stand between us, and the goals we have set to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I recently ran into a young brother who had brought an interesting problem my way! As we were talking about business building and Black economic success, he seemed a little frustrated in the fact that he could not find any books written by African Americans on business success. You ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Today one could argue that there are at least two churches on every major street in every major city in this country. There are denominations then sub-denominations within them. There are church organizations like the National Baptist Association and the Southern Baptist Association. There are ministries in shopping malls, ...