(ThyBlackMan.com) Living in one’s truth and authenticity is a powerful act of self-liberation and empowerment, particularly for Black men in a world that often imposes restrictive stereotypes and expectations. Embracing and celebrating one’s identity without apology is not just an act of personal affirmation but also a beacon of hope ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Few artists have left an indelible mark on music and culture like Michael Jackson. Dubbed the King of Pop, Jackson’s influence transcends generations, genres, and even continents. His music is a reflection of social change, artistic excellence, and Black creativity at its highest level. As we celebrate Black History ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Having obtained a Certificate of Advanced Study in Organizational Leadership in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), via Rice University on Coursera, June 2022 this writers journey through the program was much more than just that of an academic pursuit; it was an expedition of self-discovery that broadened my understanding ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s a new year, and one that should see Black men walk in their fullness. Everyone deserves to be happy, and to have their voices heard about issues that concern them. It is unfair to demand to be heard and seen…but shut out the voices of others pleading for ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Part 1. Certainly, no one can honestly doubt, accurately deny or innocently dismiss the fact that we are living in treacherous and trying times. When we speak of treacherous times, we are talking of risky and unreliable times, times that are unstable, unpredictable and unworthy of trust even at ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As we begin to transverse this new year and another trip around the sun, we must resist the temptation to slip into a funk of pessimism, discouragement or depression over things we have absolutely no control. Inflation is beyond our control, it is what it is. Shop wisely, be ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Few musicians have reshaped the sound of modern music as profoundly as Miles Davis. As a visionary trumpeter, composer, and bandleader, Davis revolutionized jazz multiple times over his career. From bebop to cool jazz, from modal experimentation to electric fusion, he constantly evolved. But at the heart of his ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Whenever we deal with some contentious subjects like crime, faith, doctrine or family, we are entering areas of great controversy and debate with opinions being formed and colored by a raft of personal experience. This is especially true when we are dealing with a subject like wealth and poverty. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The 47th President has attacked our government like a bull in a China closet. He is doing his best to upend precedent and policy, as he promised that he would. He has issued hundreds of executive orders, pardoned convicted criminals (like himself), manipulated the truth through websites, abolished DEI (diversity, equity ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Beyoncé is more than just a pop star; she is a cultural phenomenon, an artistic visionary, and one of the most powerful performers of the 21st century. With a career spanning over two decades, Queen Bey has mastered the art of reinvention, creating music that remains timeless no matter ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Louis Armstrong is undoubtedly one of the most influential musicians in American history. A towering figure in jazz and popular music, Armstrong’s gravelly voice, impeccable trumpet playing, and infectious charisma helped shape the landscape of 20th-century music. Known as “Satchmo” or “Pops,” Armstrong’s impact on jazz and swing music ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Many individuals of all backgrounds would identify marching as an organized and uniform way to move forward by walking with a rhythmic pace or stride. Numerous Black Americans would contend that there isn’t another race of people in the world that can move and march with rhythm like Black ...
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