Donald Trump Assassination Attempt Scam: Exposing Uncovered Facts and Conspiracies.

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( I’m going to get straight to the point and go down this rabbit hole, exposing the scam based on the facts. I wrote an article on the alleged assassination attempt of Donald Trump a short time ago. But before writing this second article, I needed to see what additional facts would be uncovered. So while the first article was based on specific training and theory, this article is based on what has come out since that time. Even so, it is doubtful that these two articles I have written will conflict. The second article will simply tell you more of the story concerning the scam that everybody seems to be shocked about. The alleged, attempt to assassinate of Donald Trump by Thomas Crooks.

The first thing you need to know is that there are so many conflicting stories between the police, the Secret Service, and the FBI, that you would wonder how anybody gets protected at all ever. The former head of the Secret Service said there was no counter sniper team on the roof where the shooter was because the slope was too steep. That was a lie, point blank. The slope in any picture of the building will show you that.
The second thing you need to know is this. Exactly 2 weeks to the day from the shooting, Donald Trump held another rally. But what is strange is the fact that there seemed to be no damage to his ear at all and the gashes on the right side of his face seem to be completely gone. I don’t know about you, but the human body just does not heal that quickly. Especially for a 78 year old man who is not in tip top shape and who eats Big Macs all the time. And if you are thinking the injuries were probably covered up with makeup, I would also suggest that makeup and props created what appeared to be those injuries in the first place. That would certainly explain why the Secret Service kept Trump on the floor of the stage so long. Getting ready for the photo shoot.
The third thing you need to know is this. If you want to know who is behind something happening, look at who has the most gain. And no that would not be Joe Biden. That would be Donald Trump. Also look at the person who has the most to lose if it does not happen, or if it is not staged rather. That would also be Donald Trump. If the person who has the most gain and the most to lose is the same person, you probably have the person who is involved in some way, shape or form.
Donald Trump Assassination Attempt Scam: Exposing Uncovered Facts and Conspiracies.
A little research about what Donald Trump gained from this incident will further substantiate the claim I just made. He raised $50 million within 24 hours. The photo ops made him out to be a hero. And you can clearly see in at least three cases on the stage that the Secret Service moves their arms or hands out of the way just so he can conduct his photo op. You may say it is very bad to think someone is that desperate, but this election holds a lot more for Donald Trump whether he wins or loses than just the presidency. If Donald Trump loses the 2024 election, the courts remaining will not be able to hold back the prosecutions in and waiting. And there are more court cases, likely criminal and civil, waiting in the wings. However, if Trump wins, much of that goes away. Just like the fact that his sentencing for 34 felony convictions was supposed to be July 11, but all we hear are crickets.
The fourth thing you need to know is this. The Secret Service is professional and incidents like this with this much failure do not usually happen unless somebody somewhere allowed it to happen. It is very likely that there have been attempted assassinations of other presidents or former presidents during our lifetime other than Donald Trump. Obama could probably tell you some stories, you and me both. It is neither the nature nor track record nor training of the Secret Service to screw up this badly. Something else is going on.
The Secret Service sends out an advance team ahead of the scheduled event. They do a full threat assessment and create a security report. It outlines vulnerabilities, emergency exit routes etc. It is then given to their office where they look at how to counter any potential threats. They also decide how much local law enforcement they will use and where to put them. If local law enforcement is shorthanded, they request assistance from other jurisdictions. And while I was never trained by the Secret Service, I have been the head of advance teams and completed threat assessments and security reports. There is no way that the Secret Service failed to know the building with a clear line of sight to the former president was unsecured. Even if the Secret Service had to put police officers there, it was the job of the Secret Service to protect Trump so the butt would have automatically stopped with them. That is why under normal circumstances, the building would have been secure.
Here is the fifth thing you need to know. The powers that be must think you and I are both really stupid. They expect you to believe that a suspicious man was seen as much as an hour and a half before the shooting. That he was seen with a rifle before he got on top of the building. That he was caught on video and camera dozens of times. That the police tried to find him and could not. And that he was able to scale a roof that the Secret Service told us was too sloped, but not too sloped for him to set up and allegedly fire EIGHT shots. The “8 shots” is according to officials in Pennsylvania.
So we are expected to believe this 20 year-old was skillful enough to elude capture when he had already been caught on video and photos and the police were looking for him. This 20-year-old who washes dishes and serves food in a senior center. This 20 year-old who suddenly became Spider-Man meets the Terminator. Even though, if he did fire eight shots, none of them assassinated his target. And if the best he could do was an ear, though I don’t believe Trump was shot in the ear, the shooter should have just stayed at home.
Here is number six. Look and listen closely to what is coming out from the local law enforcement agencies, the Secret Service and the FBI. They are discreetly trying to blame each other. The acting head of the Secret Service stated just recently in a Senate hearing that the shooter was spotted by the police, but the local police neither notified the Secret Service nor the security detail for Donald Trump. That would be laughable if this was not such a dark incident. That would have to mean that we are dealing with Barney from Mayberry as the local law enforcement support.
It appears that the law-enforcement agencies involved in this screw-up are retroactively building the profile of the shooter. Even in doing so, they are throwing out information that contradicts. For example, they now have pieced together what they call Internet searches that the shooter made. One of them is being reported as indicating the shooter had a problem with immigration. If that’s the case, why shoot Trump? Trump has promised to launch the largest mass deportation in American history.
Another BS example they expect you to believe is that the shooter was online looking for weapons, even though they reported a short time ago that his dad had 12 guns in the house. And that he used one of his dad’s rifles. So why would you need to look for weapons if your dad has a dozen of them in the house? And why would you need to go buy ammo from a store when you just recently went to the gun range and gun ranges usually sell ammo? All of this stuff seems to be made up as law-enforcement goes along and needs something to tell the media.
Furthermore, it is not likely that this 20-year-old turned super sniper stealth Spider-Man Terminator would be able to plan out all of that by himself. He was certainly not very stealthy if he was seen on what is reported as dozens of video clips and photos, including clear ones of him on the roof. Give me a break. How stupid do the powers that be think we are?
Here is my final thought. Do you want to know what I think really happened? Somebody hired, programmed and/or persuaded a 20 year old Manchurian candidate reject who couldn’t hit an intentional target if he was standing right next to it. Somebody gave him a plan and made him think that he could do it. He was a prime candidate because he fits the profile of most active shooters. or at least that is how it appears. It always amazes me how they find out a million things about the active shooter AFTER the shooting, but never before. And I have studied the pattern of active shooters in America for almost a decade now.
Clearly it appears there were people who looked the other way, people who may carry a badge. People who knew that Donald Trump would greatly benefit from this and possibly gain enough additional momentum to win the 2024 presidential election. People who knew the alleged shooter was a bad shot.
I do believe, as a Pennsylvania official stated, more than half a dozen shots were fired. But where are the bullets, including the one that allegedly hit Trump’s ear, which should have his DNA on it? They won’t even show us the exact rifle that the shooter used and it is over two weeks since the shooting occurred. When you have the crime, labs and experts at your disposal that the Secret Service and the FBI have, ballistics reports can come very quickly.
I do not believe that Thomas Crooks hit Donald Trump in the ear. Ears don’t heal that fast and there is no indication that Donald Trump had overnight plastic surgery. I have seen the photos of then and Now. Not to mention the scars that just seemed to disappear from his face. In my opinion, all of that was staged, using props and blood packets to make Trump look that way for a better photo op. In my opinion, that is what took so long when the Secret Service had him on the stage and while they were fumbling around like they didn’t know what to do. Look closely at the videos and you will see what I mean.
Then there is the established fact that local law enforcement saw the alleged shooter around 90 minutes before he took the shots. Are you kidding me? Text messages exchanged among local law enforcement verify this to be true. And the text messages also verify that law-enforcement neither warned the Trump Security team nor the rest of the Secret Service.
Then there is the woman behind Donald Trump to the right of the stage who is not shocked at all when the shots are fired. She pulls out her cell phone camera and starts filming the audience, not Donald Trump on the stage on the floor, but rather the audience.
Then there is the fact that basically nobody within the camera’s view ran. Some people might have been in shock, others might have been nosy and wanted to see what happened. But for some people, the flight response that goes with self preservation would have kicked in. That is unless it was staged. Don’t think that people don’t die instaged events. They do.
And Trump mentioned himself that “nobody ran”. That is not normal, especially when shots are being fired into a crowd and people are sitting there as if they are waiting for the next part of the play to start.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, a navy seal, a firearms instructor, nor a brain surgeon to figure any of this out. If it walks like a scam, looks like a scam, smells like a scam and acts like a scam, it’s a scam. Sadly, the Patsy 20-year-old turned ghost sniper Spider-Man Terminator was neutralized, so he could be questioned. Just like what happened to the man who shot John F. Kennedy and the man who shot Abraham Lincoln.
Some people have said that desperate times require desperate measures. And for both Democrats and Republicans, these are desperate times. I am neither. I vote for the most qualified person and who represents the ideals that me and my family believe in. In this case, that won’t be Trump and that won’t be Kamala. We need to have a third option on the ballot labeled “none of the above”.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at;