(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s a new year, and one that should see Black men walk in their fullness. Everyone deserves to be happy, and to have their voices heard about issues that concern them. It is unfair to demand to be heard and seen…but shut out the voices of others pleading for the exact same thing. There is a consensus, and growing understanding, that Black women in America are hurting. They have been abused, misused, and taken for granted…by others and those within their community. Though more discussion, acknowledgement, and healing must be had so many issues are known.
One can argue society is trained to hear the voices of women when it comes to pain and concern, but men are shut out of vulnerable conversations. There are so many men that are hurting, have been abused, and are completely silenced. They have been taught to “man up” and with that mentality they are silenced completely. This year going forward Black men must choose to be heard amongst each other, in their community, relationships, family and in the world. Too many brothers are choosing not to stay. They are losing the will to live due to being silenced and only seen as predatory, toxic, or the blood of a movement…hence having value in death. Taking the stance to be heard can be a scary thought, because it is often not received well. Yet this can add value to your life.
Acknowledging that you deserve to have a village that will protect you is important. Protection is often seen as something men are responsible for providing. However, protection comes in many ways. You deserve the right to voice your need for protection in whatever form is needed. If you find you are unable to verbalize this need in a safe space why stay. Too many men speak to being asked to share their vulnerable spaces, but they are not confident that vulnerability will be protected. Too many resort to silence and pent-up frustration. This leads to emotional and even physical ailments. How many men have blood pressure issues, where feeling constantly unprotected is a contributing factor? This is not something that needs to be addressed merely withing romantic relationships. If family and friends are not safe spaces, maybe it is time to reevaluate and take a step back.
Why continue to show up in areas that are not standing with you when you feel you’re most vulnerable? This might be difficult to navigate as many men deep down want to have a connection to their family and friends. Some know they are only tolerated for the sake of what they can provide but they stay for the sake of just having some place to call home or family. This is dangerous as it can be a ticking time bomb. You never know what situation will send you over the edge emotionally or even physically. When the fall out happens, you will be blamed as the cause while all involve disregard their ill treatment of you. Granted they would never allow themselves to be victim blamed. It is not wise to stay in places whereby your overall well-being is not protected by those that claim to be family and friends. You must take a stance for reciprocity…if there is none why stay?
Relationships are harder for many men. This is the space of the double edge catch 22; there are many men that love their partners but feel they can’t openly discuss what they need. They can’t openly express their feelings for insecurity or knowing when they speak on matters close to their chest no one is listening. They don’t truly feel heard or understood, and this is a toxic situation. Why stay in a relationship where your feelings and concerns are not equally respected? I know this can be a very difficult space, but it is important to take a stance for reciprocity in a relationship. You can’t be the only one providing support, nor the only one held accountable for their actions. Society may say you are wrong, but you have a right to be heard. Before a situation becomes toxic walk away; this is a part of self-care, and it helps you honor your over self-worth.
The year is still fairly new, and amidst the chaos in the world around you it is important you have value in the spaces whereby you reside. None are always right in everything…sometimes our feelings betray us in not allowing us to see truth or reality. However, part of how we grow in our understanding is being able to talk out our thoughts and feelings with those we hold dear. If you don’t have this simple basic right in a space, yet it is demanded of you…why stay? The answer is simple, even if the application of said answer is not, claim yourself and find your village. Being a Black man that is strong and viable should not render you silent for love nor humanity. Make the commitment to yourself to find your place in the world.
Staff Writer; Christian Starr
May connect with this sister over at Facebook; C. Starr and also Twitter; MrzZeta.
Also via email at; CStarr@ThyBlackMan.com.
A black man should stay regardless if you are not been heard.
We as black men have endure the most harshest life in America under racist America and under many other races and no matter how good we are and how we do the right thing and have good jobs, education, military background and no criminal record etc.. the white men will still label us as criminals and loosers. Sadly, they whtie men has brainwashed our beautiful black queens into not listening to us and more so into staying away from the black men.
The black men is the achilles hills of the racist white men becaue the white men and his fake booty, fake lip, or no buttocks white women are infected with the disease of madness, insanity, insecurity, fear and the shortcoming of having small private parts and for that reason they label and prfile the black men to justify their mental illness. Indeed, the white men and white women hate the black men and women so much; Yet, they take our genetic markers and use it to enhance their bodies to create their fake buttocks, lips , bteast and penises. Unknowingly, black people are lab rats for white people to experiment and take our organs and aborted black fetus to make cures and enhancements that will benefit the white race.
Dear black men of America continue to be fearless to fight the white demons of Amrerica with any means necessarry or die trying. All black men must married black women, All black LGBT must married black LGBT, All black men must take care of their chidlren and support your child’s mother regardless if the relations and love for her is no longer there. a black men should make peace with his fellow black brother and united to fight the racist white men and the illegal immigrants with fire with fire and never allow any of them to disrespect our black women and our black chidlren.
All black men must take all their wealth, money, savings and deposited in a black owned banks and or black owned institutuions. There are over 21 African American owned banks in this nation. We must also send all our chidlren to only black privage schoold, HBCU’S etc.. we must only have black tutors for our children, black babysitters for our black babies, black doctors and nurses for our primary health needs and concerns. We should only spend money in black owned businessess and invest in the black community etcc. More important, black people who owned businesses should hire more black men, women and Black LGBT in order to create a generational wealth for our community and have a black wall street in every state of the union were there is a black men, women, BLACK LGBT.
It is time for black people to do for black people and to advovate for issues to help our black people. In the same way that jewish people only advocate for jewish people; in the same way that hispanics only advocate for hispanic people and in the same way were Asians only advocate for Asian peple.
Stop the Kumbaya black America! it is tiem for black people to do for black people only
Wow!!! What great put downs of the black man. I know where my place is in this world. It’s away from big, buffalo butts that tear up our Mercedes Benz leather seats, white woman wig wearing black women, that have been beat for their minds by watching too much vulgar television, together with being almost squeezed to death by wearing too many tight dresses, who do not have a clue what western world colonization is all about.