America’s Unhappiness Crisis: Real Issues Behind the Politics of Anger.

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( One of the more interesting factors regarding the recent presidential election was that exit polls showed an overwhelming majority of Americans were unhappy about life in general.

Across the board Americans of all races, genders and other social, economic and political categories indicated they were not happy. They were angry. They definitely were unhappy. Some people seem to get their happiness out of being unhappy. That is probably not healthy.

It is probably dangerous for an individual’s health. It would seem collectively extremely dangerous for the health of a nation.

It is no wonder the politics of joy were defeated by the politics of unhappiness. The politics of joy lasted about a week before it was put to sleep by the politics of unhappiness and anger.

I think it is fair to say that a vast majority of voters cast ballots in November against someone as compared to voting for someone. The vast majority of voters cast their vote for Trump because they didn’t like Vice President Harris. Not because they liked Trump.

The same was true for an overwhelming number of Vice President Harris’ voters. They voted against Trump and not because they were overwhelmed with joy for Vice President Harris. This type of voting pattern in America is not new. It is also not healthy.

The US has some very challenging problems that as a nation it is confronted with. Let us be clear, one of the least of which is caused by immigration. The US’ so-called immigration issues is a political boogeyman to take the public attention off of real issues. Issues which were not raised in the last election or in most of the US’ most recent elections.

America's Unhappiness Crisis: Real Issues Behind the Politics of Anger.

Let’s take a closer look at some of those issues which neither Democrats nor Republicans running for any office discussed in their campaigns this election cycle:

The US is not the safest country to live in. Before you blame it on immigrants, they are not the cause at all for the US not being the safest. The issue of not being the safest goes back many years before immigration from South and Central America occurred. So, let’s not play that game.

In terms of quality of life, the US in comparison to other countries does not have the highest quality of life.  In comparison to other countries the US is not the best for children.

Other countries have much better healthcare than the US. People of various countries have a longer life expectancy than individuals in the US.

Compared to other nations the US has more wealth inequality. Other countries have a lower maternal mortality rate than in the US. It has been that way for many years and the gap is growing.

In terms of mental well-being the US is behind other countries. However, in terms of substance abuse and unhappiness the US is one of, if not, the leading nation.

With the expectation of the last category not only is the US not number one in any of those categories but in none of those categories is the US one of the top ten.

Maybe a significant number of Americans have reason to be unhappy and angry. It would probably be helpful if that unhappiness and anger was better directed at the real culprits and not some make-believe boogeyman.

A young man and his wife walk hundreds of miles with their infant child to escape tyranny, violence and poverty to come to America. They heard America was the land of opportunity. They come prepared to take the lowest of jobs. The jobs those born in this country refuse to take.

Prepared to sleep in a barn with the animals, whatever it takes to ensure their child sees a better day. Kind of reminds me of that story, that wonderful story about the husband and wife who traveled with their infant child and ended up sleeping in a manor with farm animals two thousand years ago. Do we still remember that story? Or has Moloch and unconscionable greed declared that story cancelled?

Perhaps, it is time to not allow those whose motives are to confuse and distract us from seeing the real problems confronting this society. Perhaps, it is time to move past the misinformation, disinformation and false witness directed at immigrants and others. Perhaps, it is time to open our eyes to those entities with their billions who seek to gain even more billions at our expense by having us see night when it is day.

Maybe it is time to move past fake, phony and false issues and deal with real issues that truly affect the lives of people. Maybe it is time to remove the blinders from our eyes and see the illusion of our real reality before even the illusion itself is gone.

May we always remember the two immigrants and their infant child.  May God bless the people of the world, all the people of the world.

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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