(ThyBlackMan.com) A Jewish rabbi, who believes in the truth of the Word of Yehovah, should know that God runs this universe by His own timeclock, and interacts with His chosen people by means of the seven appointed times (feasts) which He imposed upon Israel. We have already established that each vision given to Moses began in the evening at sundown, maybe after 9:00 PM (it was the first day of Summer), and ended just after 9:00 the next morning. That is how you interpret each “evening and morning”. The Hebrew day begins in the evening because the first day of the new month starts with the sighting of the renewed Moon (first sliver) at sundown. It is easier to examine the sky in the evening, than to try to get up in the morning to observe the heavens.
Therefore, we have seven days and seven appointed times. To make a long story short, Yehovah used the seven feasts, which are Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and the
Feast of Tabernacles, as a template when showing the days to Moses. I call it the “Observations of Moses”. Yehovah was showing Moses one day each from seven different weeks, which were Creation Week, and six Restoration Weeks.
The chronological sequence starts with Passover, the Fourth Day, which is the only day of Creation Week shown to Moses. Each week was the first week of seven different advents of mankind. Therefore, the sixth day that Moses observed (Thursday evening till Friday morning) was the third advent of mankind on Earth, right after the extinction of the dinosaurs, in the era of the first herbivores.
Incidentally, for the fifth day, from Restoration Week One, Moses wrote “sea monsters”, not great whales. He saw the creation of the marine dinosaurs and the first birds. The land dinosaurs were created the next day of that week (along with the second advent of mankind) which Moses did not see. So in a way, Ken Ham is correct, that mankind did walk with the dinosaurs, but it was prehistoric mankind, not modern mankind.
The narrative of modern mankind, the sixth advent, begins in Genesis chapter two. Yehovah formed Adam, placing him in the Garden of Eden in 7200 BC, before forming the modern animals to keep him company. That is why the sequences of the creation of animals and mankind are different in Genesis chapters one and two.
Using this rendition, we have both a 4.6-billion-year history of Earth and mankind, and seven twenty-four-hour creation days, using literal interpretation. What I call the “Observations of Moses” is actually a merger of Biblical Truth and Scientific Reality.
Upon the creation of Earth and original mankind, there was no death for nearly four billion years. The fossil record only conveys the era when a life form died, not when it was born or first came into existence. Death on Earth only occurred after Lucifer began to turn evil, when he became a murderer, because he “couldn’t get his way”.
Scientific reality exposes the foolishness of YEC, and proves their teachings to be false. Literal interpretation and acceptance of correct rendition of the Word of God exposes the falsehoods of all current “Old Earth” branches of creationism. For those that want to disagree, I invite you to find an error, if you can. Of course, I expect the supporters of evolution to say that this is just a clever manipulation of scripture. To them I say, “try to prove it to be in error”. Does it fit the fossil record? Does it conform to literal interpretation of scripture? The answer is “yes” to both questions.
I invite all to look up “The Museum of Forbidden Archaeology” on the internet. In it, you will find human artifacts which have been discovered, dating back almost three billion years, which disprove the evolution theory. There have been discoveries elsewhere over the years, but the world of science wants to keep them hidden and/or discredited.
The scenario that I would like to see come about is archaeologists coming upon the discovery of an ancient civilization hidden under the sands of the Sahara desert, and it being determined to be over twelve million years old. What would that do to both Young Earth creationism and evolution believers? To save face, the YECs might say that it would be a “trick of the devil”, while the world of science might say that it belonged to “ancient aliens”.
I make the proclamation that there are no “aliens from other planets”, but rather they are remnants of earlier advents of mankind of Earth. In Genesis and the book of Job, they are called “sons of God”. I invite you to look up the article “Devout Christians: An Analysis Of The Sons of God” – Parts 1 thru 3.
Before wrapping this up, I would like to comment on teaching creationism in public schools. In 1981, Louisiana enacted the Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science in Public School Instruction Act. It was commonly called “the Creationism Act”. It did not require that either evolution or creationism be taught in public schools. However, the act stated that if one theory is presented, then the other must be as well. Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards then signed the Balanced Treatment Act into law. A man named Don Aguillard, who was a high-school teacher, charged that it was a violation of the establishment clause and filed suit, and Governor Edwards was named as one of the respondents.
On December 10, 1986, the Edwards vs Aguillard case was argued before the United States Supreme Court. In its review the court used the so-called Lemon Test, which determines whether a statute is permissible under the establishment clause. In Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602 (1971), the court held that the statute must have a “secular legislative purpose,” its primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion, and it cannot create “an excessive government entanglement with religion.” If any of the conditions are violated, the statute is unconstitutional.
In examining the Creationism Act’s purpose, the court rejected the state’s claims that the law was designed to protect academic freedom and that it advanced a “basic concept of fairness.” The court held that the act did not grant teachers greater flexibility. The court further found that the Creationism Act was discriminatory by requiring the development of curricular guidelines and research for creation science to the exclusion of evolution. Moreover, according to the court, the act did not ensure a more-complete science curriculum.
It was the requirement that Creation Science be taught that was ruled against, not the actual teaching of creationism. Also, the ruling was against Young Earth creationism, and not the other branches of creationism. You should realize by now that the branches of Creationism are not the same. I invite you to later read the article “The U.S. Supreme Court Didn’t Rule Against Teaching Creationism!!”.
The question now is, will those that profess a belief in Creation now accept and teach this revealed truth of Genesis? Or will they continue to teach their failed false doctrines? For the past thirty years they have refused to accept the truth.
In closing, a man named Ronald Regehr, who was an aerospace engineer for NASA wrote “As outrageous as the Moon-is-a-spaceship-theory (brought here by aliens) is, it is the only theory that is supported by all of the data, and there is no data that contradicts this theory”. This is a perfect example of what stupid lengths mankind will go to, in order to avoid admitting that our universe has a Creator. Why couldn’t that “Alien” be acknowledged as Yehovah?
There is a forty-two-minute PowerPoint presentation that I am willing to show to any group of three people or more online. It fully explains the difference between the seven days of Creation Week (Exodus 20:11), and the “Observations of Moses” (Genesis 1:2 – 2:3). It also explains the history of Yehovah and the origin of Satan, which must be conveyed before anyone can teach biblical creation.
I will leave you with this YouTube link, which gives a quick overview of the seven days shown to Moses:
The End.
Staff Writer; Herman Cummings
You may also purchase this writer book which is entitled; Moses Didn’t Write About Creation.
Note: Recently Herman published a new book which is entitled; The Sabbath That Assassinated Atheism – Christian Faith Publishing.
I see a lot of criticism from people, but no one has pointed to any error, either historical or scriptural. Is it that they want to find fault but can’t?
None of this transcends the limited thoughts of men, and who is man, with his limited sense perception, to assume that he knows the thoughts of God? Human beings continue to create thousands of thought rabbit holes within which to plunder, but what have they to do with reality?