Why Kamala Harris Can’t Beat Donald Trump.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Before we go down this rabbit hole, I need to begin with a preface. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I vote for the presidential candidate who best represents my values and morals. I vote for the candidate who is most likely to be beneficial to me and my family, my people, my community. I vote for the candidate with the most experience, the best track record for results, the temperament and the character to be president. I do not select a candidate simply based on color nor any individual trait. That being said, the evidence shows Donald Trump should not be president of the United States. But that is not the point of this article. This time my article is about who the Democratic candidate for president should be and who it should not be. Bias aside, as an African-American who voted for Obama twice, I can make a strong case that Kamala Harris is neither able to beat Donald Trump nor ready nor qualified to be president in 2024. Let me say this loud and clear, if the Democratic party switches their 2024 presidential nominee from Biden to Harris, you might as well tell Trump to go ahead and start moving his luggage back into the White House early.

Before what was likely a fake assassination attempt using a poorly trained patsy who just so happened to slip by all the security experts and some blood packet props, opportunist Trump still would have beaten Kamala Harris in a run for the presidency. But now that well-placed Trump photo ops and a little “blood” on the ear has skyrocketed sympathy, patriotism, his numbers and his fundraising, causing the classified documents cased to be dismissed, unifying the Republican party and drawing the respect for Trump from undecided voters, there is definitely no way Kamala could beat him. In fact the chances are less and less that Biden can even beat Trump now. Especially with the Democrats taking the catch 22 bait to lay off the political attacks on Trump. But this article is not about the alleged assassination attempt. I have written 2 well researched articles on that topic and I encourage you to read them both. Now back to the main topic.

So now let’s look at several reasons why Kamala cannot beat Trump. And regardless of whether you like Kamala or not, why trying to make her president in 2024 would be a huge mistake. Not to mention the momentum that opportunist Donald Trump is gaining because someone supposedly decided to assassinate him and failed.

Why Kamala Harris Can’t Beat Donald Trump.

First of all, the only candidate who beat Donald Trump has been Joe Biden. Not any of the Republican contenders in any election from 2016 to now. Not any Democrat except Biden. Not people much more experienced than Kamala Harris. And any honest person with a functioning brain knows that Biden won the election, so I won’t even address the Republican and MAGA nonsense that he didn’t. Yes Hillary received millions more votes than Trump when she ran, but Trump took the electoral college. Of course it makes no sense to receive millions of votes more than your opponent and still lose, but that is the twisted system America uses.

Let me say this again to those who want to replace Biden as the nominee. No Republican candidate beat Trump for the nomination and no Democratic candidate beat Trump for the White House. Nobody but Joe Biden. I watched every minute of the first 2024 presidential debate closely and I am a former debate judge, in fact. I also discussed the debate with attorneys who are also obviously debaters in court. Joe Biden stumbled 3, no more than 4 times during the debate. Actually not bad for somebody his age. How many times have many of you forgotten what you were about to say or rather lost your train of thought? How old are you? How many times did you forget to do something or tell someone something at work? Did you quit? I thought not.

Yet all of a sudden the 3 or 4 slip ups Biden made were amplified as if they were much more. As if he forgot his name. As if the country cannot be run by someone who slips up 3 or 4 times. Stop it and be honest. His slip ups were not anywhere near as colossal as the Republicans, some Democrats and the news media are making it seem. And I can give you a list of incidents when Trump did the same things. Oh yes, Trump did.

A president is not elected to debate nor because he can debate. And I would much rather elect a man who slips up in his thoughts or words 3 or 4 times in 90 minutes after running the country all day than to elect a serial liar, rapist, insurrectionist, fraud, conman opportunist who is a 34 time convicted felon with dozens of additional charges pending in multiple courts. If you cannot see which candidate is far worse, you need your head examined or to stop and take your medication because you are much more off than Biden. But back to Kamala.

Second of all, Kamala Harris is NOT qualified to be president because she does not have the experience. Watch and listen to her. She does not have the tact. She is not even a good public speaker. Be honest. And I say that as not only a published author, but also a professional public speaker and instructor with decades of experience. Yes when Obama ran for president he was not qualified. But there was something about Obama that made people believe he could do the job – and he did for 8 years. I do not see that something in Kamala and enough people to get her elected as president in 2024 honestly do not see it either. She has been very unpopular with her own party and the Democrats were not even saying she was qualified to be president until many of them decided to replace Biden after his debate. If Biden had done better in the debate, the Democrats would not be saying Kamala Harris is qualified to be president. Because they know she is NOT.

Third of all, it is the worse time to elect a novice president. I said when Trump ran that it was an awful time for a novice conman to be the president, and he proved me right in a hundred examples on a good day. In 2024 here we are with turmoil everywhere from Haiti to Ukraine, Russia to Rafah and some of you want to put either a convicted felon or a novice in office? What is wrong with you people? What spell are you under and what is in your Kool-Aid? True, the presidency is an institution, not one person. Also true, the president does not have to make decisions alone without the help of councils, staff, and expert advisers. So you may say Kamala would be just fine and have plenty of help. But if you say that, you would also have to say Joe Biden would be just fine as president again.

For those who say to have Kamala run for president in 2024, what have you seen that even makes you remotely believe she can do the job – especially now? Or it is that you just can’t think of anybody else to put out in front of Joe Biden? The VP presides over the Senate and….?

I am not saying Kamala is unintelligent. I am saying she is not ready. I am saying this is not the time. From what I can see, Kamala spends just as much time justifying why innocent unborn babies should be ripped from the womb as she does on practically anything else. Kamala have you ever carried a child and given birth? Do you understand the miracle? But the research on genocidal Margaret Sanger, her Eugenic agenda (yes I have proof) and Planned Parenthood’s real agenda is another article to revisit that topic another time. Even so, check for yourself because that is what Kamala Harris is supporting, an agenda either she does not understand or one that she does. I don’t know which type of support is worse.

Fourth of all, look at Kamala’s track record before she became VP. We have to look back at that because she has not done enough as VP for us to evaluate her thoroughly, other than her apparent blanket support of Planned Parenthood. As a prosecutor, Kamala did some good things, yes. As an attorney general, she did some good things, yes. But wait, now do your research and look at the other side of the coin involving Kamala Harris. Don’t make excuses for her, just do your homework and check what they are not making so easy to find.

Fifth of all, and I say this as an educated, intellectual African-American man with full awareness of self, family, ancestry, history and identity. America is not yet willing to elect a part Jamaican, part Indian, African-American looking woman. A Jamaican/Indian/American/Female president is not at the top of a country which is still heavily racist and sexist. That is too much for America to swallow, but nobody wants to admit it. Today the good ole’ boys don’t all wear Klan robes and the rebel, racist confederate flags fly more in hearts than on poles. Many of the racists and sexists wear suits and sit in Congress. They have both money and power.

But what about Obama because he won? Obama was/is a male African (Kenyan) and Caucasian who ran for president. That is entirely different in the eyes of more people than who are willing to admit it in America. And a whole lot of people did not like Obama either, but they choked down electing him because he had momentum. I liked Obama, but that is not why I voted for him. So while my assessment is not based on liking nor disliking Kamala, unlike most people, I can speak without partisanship bias nor personal preference.

Reference: Kamala’s maternal ancestry is reportedly from Tamil Nadu or Madras, India and her paternal ancestry is reportedly from Saint Ann, Jamaica.

The reasons you have just read are not all of the reasons Kamala Harris should not be president in 2024. There is more, much more. But hopefully, even if you disagree, this article will get you thinking, researching and asking the right key questions instead of me doing all your homework for you. Instead of you following the crowd and supporting a candidate without ALL the facts, not just the ones they want to tell you. And as for “black” people, you need to stop gravitating towards someone who looks like you in the assumption that they will help you and have your back. Tim Scott defies that notion. So does Clarence Thomas. So did Herman Cain and the list goes on. Of course vote for whomever you choose, but at least do your homework and vote as an informed voter.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at; TrevoCraw@ThyBlackMan.com.

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