Requiem For America.

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( After a very long extended illness, America closed its eyes and took its last long breath. It succumbed to the disease that racked its body. America’s death came as no surprise. It was not if it would die, nor how, but when.

It was thought years earlier that if America was to die like many powerful nations before it that it would be from foreign attack. That a more powerful nation and/or a group of nations would collectively declare war on America.  That America in a horrific bombardment would be left a charred, battered battlefield. So would the vast majority of the planet.

Black Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans and White Americans: Requiem For America.

However, there would be no massive armies invading America from land, sea and air rendering it defenseless and defeated. The only army to attack America would be an army of the night from within its own borders. Like a trojan horse it would bring America to its knees in embarrassment and defeat.

America’s decline and eventual death would be the product of a series of internal problems and conditions which wreaked havoc on its body’s constitution. Its internal origins became so diseased and toxic that America’s body turned against and attacked itself. It became a cannibalistic orgy.

The diseased origins seemed to find delight in attacking each other in the process of killing each other. It was a long, ugly, violent death.

Yet, America’s death, as predictable as it was, could have been prevented. There were those who were willing to support America through its long illness. To help America strengthen its resolve, conditioning and healing its body. To incorporate preventive measures that would have protected it from the various diseases which would eventually take and destroy its body.

There were a significant number of Americans who truly believed that through their goodness and example of living others might desire to work for a more perfect America. They prayed and believed that it would.

Unfortunately, those which had its best interest at heart were overshadowed and overwhelmed by forces that were most responsible for America’s tragic death. This latter group was more interested in dividing and destroying America. They were loud, organized and filled with hate. They did all they could to divide and destroy America.

At the same time, they would have others believe that they were the true Americans, the super Americans, the patriot Americans. Many of them fooled themselves into believing that about themselves.

These self proclaimed patriots as they like to present themselves sought a one-dimensional America devoid of inclusion and diversity. They sought to employ walls and barriers to keep “the others”, the plague out. Unfortunately for America, it was these so-called patriots that were the actual plague spreading their cancer throughout the land.

America became infected from their toxicity. It would in time threaten its very existence.

Then there were others who were fully aware of their deceptions and used it for personal and political gain. They too promoted themselves as patriots, super patriots.

They pretended to wrap themselves in the fabric of the nation. But they did nothing but perpetuate a fraud.

They profited as America lost its soul and ultimately its life. They were not patriots but traitors.  They used their internet websites and 24 hour “news” outlets to spread vicious slander, confusion, malicious disinformation, misinformation and outright lies inflicting pain on America. In the end they succeed. They were extremely effective in infiltrating the body politics of the country, corrupting it and making it meaningless and ineffective.

America from its inception was diseased and ill. It had practiced all manner of inhumanity and evil towards the Native Americans and the enslaved Africans brought to its shores.  It tried to hide the truth of its disease, its malaise.

When exposed to the truth of America’s troubled history and sickness, there were those who attempted to both rewrite a false narrative and history of what reality occurred. When confronted with the true history, they sought to ban and cancel any mention of that history.

America refused to acknowledge and make atonement for its original sin. It refused to acknowledge its ungodly legacy of discrimination, brutality, crimes against humanity, Jim Crow and systemic racism.

From its outset to its death, America spent thousands of trillions of dollars on maintaining its sinful systems of injustice, inequality, discrimination, racism and inhumanity. Thousands of trillions of dollars that could have and should have been used to make a more perfect union, a Beloved Community. Thousands of trillions of dollars used to establish a true and real “Shining City on the Hill.”

Blessed with an abundance of natural resources and wealth, America took its resources and wealth and wasted it engaging in division, evil and hate.

There would be those who pretended to hoist the American flag high while exploiting unsuspecting Americans. They would keep the unsuspecting, naive Americans confused and conflicted while they mocked and derided them all the way to the bank.

America had other health challenges and problems beyond its prodigious racial ones. They had a huge income and wealth gap that it also failed to address. It resulted in huge disparities in healthcare, education, career and employment opportunities and quality of life.

While there were those who urged America to address its disparities, there were others who sought to exploit the disparity for their own economic and political gain. They were successful, extremely successful in doing so.

They created fake narratives and distractions. They also pitting Americans against each other.

Their weapons were not tanks and jets, but misinformation, disinformation and lies. They spread the most debased conspiracy theories and there were many, too many who naively accepted the lies as being the truth. The false teachers, preachers and prophets mocked the gullible and emotionally and mentally challenged while emptying their pockets. America became gravely sick and weaker.

When voices rose urging America to become a better nation they were confronted with “Love it or leave it.” To which others countered “Change it or lose it.”

In the end, there was nothing to leave, nothing to lose. It was gone. Gone like the harlot which was once Babylon.

Future historians will wonder if those who destroyed America know what they were doing. Many did not. Confused and misguided like lemmings they took themselves and America over the cliff. There were others, however, who knew exactly what they were doing. But, they did not care. Their contempt and hatred for America and its potential, though oftentimes cleverly hidden, became their total obsession.

On Its tombstone reads: America for which so much was given, and so much was required, it died cursing its very blessing and itself.

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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