Devout Christians: Gossip Is A Deadly Poison.

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( Speaking ill of others is something that has existed since the beginning of humanity. Some would say it is not wrong to speak ill of a person when you are telling the truth. That tends to depend on the intention of the person doing the telling. Were they asked for information, or did they volunteer such? Did they know there was discrepancies in what they were about to tell? Did they tell what the person in question did…but are silent about what led to said actions? These things must be considered when you decide to expose the “truth” about someone. Since I am aware too many of us, especially in the Church, love to pull straws and try to justify our behavior we are going to consider a definition for the word GOSSIP.  Gossip is “an unconstrained conversation or report about others, typically involving details that are not confirmed to be true”.

Devout Christians: Gossip Is A Deadly Poison.

To be fair, gossip can also be the truth…the intention and how its hold can make truth gossip. Now that we have an idea of what gossip is and can be it is important to understand it is a practice that is destruction. Gossip has never benefited a single soul. It is a poison that can kill the spirit of a person, the fabric of a community…and tear apart a congregation. In the worst cases, gossip can be at the core of a situation that can drive a person to self-harm…or worst, suicide. Gossiping can be a form of bullying and abuse. Unfortunately, as terrible as it is…it has an unrealistic chokehold in the church. Yes, the place we should go to seek the path to salvation, shelter, care, love, and support…this place is also a cesspool for gossip. It’s can range from petty; you see what she got on, gossip…to the kind that would seek to damn a Bishop.

Our people have long been able to go to the church as a place of refuge from of the deadliest enemies. However, the poison of gossip within our churches have caused a kind of witch hunt culture that can undo any good we see in the church. There are people that run because they know they will be talked about if they come as they are. They could be looking for answers and hear the whispers around them. Someone can be upset about a situation whereby they didn’t get the solo they wanted… so they spread vindictive rumors about the sister or brother that did get the solo. Who cheated on who…is a rumor that can get started to tear up a marriage because someone feel they were “led” to marry someone that is already married.

Then there is the gossip about the sexuality of various members of the church from the pew to the pulpit. We see that happening now to the Bishop TD Jacks. No one knows the truth, but so many people without any knowledge at all is gossiping about and circulating a rumor regarding the bishop’s sexuality. Some of the same people posting about him, are quick to quote the “Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm” scripture when the rumor mill and gossip heads in their direction. The hypocrisy of gossipers is never ending. This is deadly! We are literally taking a hand in tearing each other down and destroying our leadership. None of the gossip is about the TRUTH, it’s never about “encouraging each other to good works”, and it is never about seeing wrongs righted.

Gossip can and has killed people. The gossip and rumors can falsely condemn others and it can go further than we could ever imagine. What began as gossip can turn into false allegations, imprisonment of the innocent, and the literal death of the innocent. Ask yourself if putting your mouth on someone else is worth having blood on your hands? You might think this is going to far…and if you do you must have never been on the side where the gossip is pointed toward you. We must all take account for our actions and learn to be responsible for our words. At some point, we must stop harming our own people while claiming to love God. No good can come from gossip. Its not new, and often seen as just picking or something insignificant…until it’s not. We’ve got to stop drinking this poison and giving it to others. Gossip will always destroy the places it is whereby it is allowed to exist.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.