Is There An Electric Vehicle (EV) Conspiracy?

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( The majority of cars on the road today are run by gasoline, which fuels an internal combustion engine. With a full tank of petrol, a car will travel anywhere from 300 to maybe 650 miles, depending on conditions.  For the purpose of this article, we will ignore hybrid vehicles.

We now have electrical vehicles that have come on the scene.  I call them “first generation EV’s”. They hardly make any noise.  They don’t need (engine) oil changes.  You don’t have to worry about fluctuating gas prices.  You don’t have to wait on any coolant to warm up in order to provide heat in cold weather.

Is There An Electric Vehicle (EV) Conspiracy?

However, there presently are several disadvantages. The biggest worry is recharging the electric/power cells, which this article is trying to address. If you’re on a long trip, you have to survey ahead of time where recharging stations are along or near the route you are going to take.

Once you reach the charging station, if a unit is open, you can expect to stay there up to 45 minutes in order to obtain a full charge.  If you have to wait in line because each unit is already occupied, that’s another 45 minutes that you lose on your journey.

Currently, pending on the model of your vehicle, you have a range of 250 to maybe 700 miles after a full charge…., if you are traveling in warm weather.  But what about traveling in the bitter cold? You can expect your range to drop down to 125 to almost 400.  That is no fun.

Also, you have another worry.

The first “horseless carriages” had a hand crank in the front that was used to start the engine.  Years later, someone produced the idea to put in a battery and an electric starter.  That was a major move forward.

Present-day electric vehicles have to be charged up at the beginning of the trip. If you are going on a 800-mile trip, you will have to stop at least once, if the weather is warm, or maybe three or four times if the weather is very cold.  Each stop will take maybe 45 minutes, or could be more than an hour if you have to wait your turn at the charging station…., if you can find one in time.

Now, if you are stuck between exits on the expressway because traffic is backed up for miles, moving 100 feet per minute, and you are down to less than 10% battery charge, what do you do?   Run the motor or pull over and run the accessories? No one can bring you a can of gas to get you to the next exit.

I consider all of the above to be equivalent to the hand crank.  Current EV’s have an outdated electrical design.  I tried to present a second-generation design that would require (at least) a half charge at the beginning, and another charge at the end of the trip.  Mid-trip charges would be optional.  In the case of being stuck on the expressway, the design allows for a 40% power reserve so that the passengers can still be in comfort in cold or hot weather, while the vehicle creeps along in stalled traffic.

Below is a typical letter that I wrote to every automotive manufacturer I could find.


I consider the design of present-day EV’s (1st generation) to be inefficient, which I will equate to the horseless carriage of 1905. You had to hand crank the engine to start it.  With today’s EV’s, you drive for maybe 380 miles, and then have to stop close to an hour or more (if you can find an open charging station) to recharge the batteries. 

With my 2nd generation design proposal, I would equate it to the “Model T” of 1927. My design resolves the charging problem, boosting the range to more than double its present capacity.  The design allows a car to charge and drive (discharge) at the same time, making mid-trip charging stations optional.

A 3rd generation design would be a perpetual motor using one additional (new) type of electricity, but that would have a broader market than just automotive.  It would take a little time to develop.  But the 2nd generation would incorporate present-day technology, and you could have it on the market in time for the new model year (I would guess).

          Would you be interested in reviewing my design?

The manufacturers that I wrote were:

That is thirty-six manufacturers in all.  Only BMW wrote back, but they said:

Your email received October 23, 2022, to BMW of North America, LLC (“BMW NA”) has been referred to me for response. I am Corporate Counsel for BMW NA.

We appreciate your interest in BMW vehicles. However, as a matter of company policy for the entire BMW Group, we do not accept unsolicited product or advertising ideas from companies outside the BMW Group. Reviewing unsolicited concepts exposes the company to the risk of a future claim that we misappropriated an idea submitted to us. As a result, we have made a company-wide decision not to accept such submissions and to return them without reviewing them. I trust you understand the reasons for our policy and that they have nothing to do with you or your submission.

Pursuant to our policy I am returning unread your email received October 23, 2022. Thank you again for your interest in BMW vehicles.

I later read where certain auto companies were collaborating to have a network of charging stations, which the driver would (of course) have to pay fees to recharge their EV.  Is this why the auto makers didn’t want to advance to a 2nd generation electrical design?  You would now be looking at state and federal taxes.

Is there some sort of conspiracy in place in order to make drivers pay more fees and/or taxes?

Staff Writer; Herman Cummings

You may also purchase this writer book which is entitled; Moses Didn’t Write About Creation.

Note: Recently Herman published a new book which is entitled; The Sabbath That Assassinated Atheism Kindle Edition.

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