Who Are Car Accident Lawyers, and How Can They Help With Claim Process?

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(ThyBlackMan.com) As per reports, in 2021, each day in Phoenix saw at least ten car accidents of varying degrees of severity.

If you’ve been in a vehicle accident, you may be concerned about whether or not you need to retain the services of a Phoenix car accident attorney. The answer to this question will be determined by the seriousness of your injuries and the extent of damage to your car.

Car accident lawyers can help with the claim process by negotiating with the insurance company on your behalf and ensuring that you receive a fair settlement. If you are injured in a car accident in Phoenix, it’s essential to consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Locally, it’s widely known that distracted driving is the leading cause for rear-end collisions in Riversideca, and all others states. So be aware of your surroundings while on the road, as one’s safety comes first.

Who Are Car Accident Lawyers?

An auto accident lawyer is the one who represents people who have been injured in an auto accident. Car accident lawyers have a duty to their clients to advocate for them zealously and protect their legal rights.

Many auto accident lawyers handle cases on a contingent fee basis, which means they do not get paid unless and until their client receives a settlement or verdict. Auto accident lawyers typically work on behalf of the injured party to recover damages from the responsible party.

A car accident lawyer may represent the responsible party to avoid liability in some instances.


What Are Different Types of Car Accidents That Require Hiring a Lawyer?

When people think of automobile accidents, they imagine a rear-end accident or a head-on collision. While these are unquestionably two of the most common sorts of collisions, other types can occur on the road. Here are just a few examples:

Rear-end collisions: These accidents typically occur when one driver fails to apply the brake in time and rear-ends the vehicle in front of them. Rear-end collisions can also be caused by texting while driving, speeding, or following too closely.

Head-on collisions: Head-on collisions are the most severe car accident. They occur when two vehicles collide head-on, typically at high speeds. These collisions can be caused by distracted driving, driving under the influence, or falling asleep at the wheel.

Side-impact collisions: Side-impact collisions, also known as T-bone accidents, occur when one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle. These accidents can be caused by several factors, including failure to yield the right of way, running a red light, or speeding.

Rollover accidents: These accidents occur when a vehicle flips over onto its side or roof. These accidents are often caused by distracted driving, speeding, or alcohol use.

While many of these types of accidents can be severe, some will require the assistance of a car accident lawyer more than others. For example, if you’ve been in a head-on collision or rollover accident in Phoenix, you should hire a lawyer immediately to help you with your claim. These types of accidents tend to be the most serious and often result in catastrophic injuries.

What Is the Time Limit To Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

In Phoenix, the statute of limitations for car accident cases is two years. If you are involved in an accident, then you have two years from the date of occurrence to bring forth a claim. And, if you do not file a lawsuit within this period, you will be barred from doing so.

However, there are many exceptions to this rule. If the other party involved in the accident was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the collision, for instance, they might be held responsible.

To determine your legal rights and choices after being involved in a vehicle accident, you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Fees of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

Hiring a Phoenix car accident attorney may be necessary if you are in an automobile accident. Accident lawyers often charge a contingency fee, which means they will get paid only if you win your case.

If they win, they will usually take a percentage of the settlement. The amount they take will depend on your agreement and the laws in your state. The contingency fee is capped at 33% of the total settlement in some states.

Accident lawyers in Phoenix may also charge an hourly rate, so you’ll need to pay them for their time even if they don’t win your case. The hourly fee will differ depending on where you live and how experienced the lawyer is.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help With the Claim Process?

A car accident lawyer can help you during the claim process. First and foremost, your lawyer will be your advocate, zealously fighting for your rights and working to make sure that you are getting a fair settlement.

Your lawyer will also help gather evidence, track down witnesses, and handle all of the paperwork and red tape often involved in car accident claims. Your lawyer will also work with the insurer on your behalf to obtain the greatest settlement feasible.

If you’ve gotten into a car accident, don’t try to navigate the claim process on your own. Instead, contact a car accident lawyer in Phoenix today to schedule a free consultation. With the help of a qualified attorney, you can maximize your chances of receiving the compensation you need and deserve.

Staff Writer; Terry Jackson