The Left’s Modernization of Eugneics in 21st Century Politics.

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( America as many nations often reflect in construct and politics how history repeats itself. A long time ago, it was once progressive retro chic policy to advocate for chicanery which was called Eugenics. This was the practice of promoting selective mating and the advocacy for presupposed desirable hereditary traits versus undesirable characteristics from the human population.  Eugenics was widespread, common and popular in progressive America during the first half of the twentieth century and was only looked at as negative after Adolf Hitler adopted the core beliefs of this pseudoscience from the United States. Margaret Sanger, the Planned Parenthood founder praised Nazi eugenic efforts and advocated for the “compulsory sterilization” and segregation of “unfit” groups in American society, especially Blacks. She was documented to have written: “We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

Eugenics no longer exist in its past form. However, it has manifested into a modern philosophical framework that purports the notion that Blacks are inherently oppressed, lack the ability of personal agency, are mainly defined by our skin color and are, and forever will be victims. This philosophy is called critical race theory. It is implemented by mainly rich and well-educated whites and does more harm than good to the people they assert they desire to help. It is patronizing for it assumes that we as Black people cannot help ourselves without the aid of white masters. Afterall, who better than a rich white liberal to tell black folk what is best for us.

Ironically, these people tend to be the most racist of all, historically and presently, and their policy demonstrates this. Take the desire to promote the concept that criminals are victims and that they should be considered heroes. They ask us to remember and hold in high regard a man like George Floyd just because he was killed by a white police officer allegedly. I am sorry for his death, but this is not the kind of man anyone I know of who would look up to, He once got five years in prison in for an assault and robbery.  Two years prior, he was convicted of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs. But to some, he should be memorialized as if Black people respect men who steal, pistol-whipped and arm rob a pregnant women at home with her children. I don’t think so.


How about we remember the name of Ashley Richardson instead, who was killed by her ex-boyfriend, Kendale Abel, while he was wearing an ankle monitor and awaiting trial. Or 7-year-old Kennedy Maxie, who was killed when shot outside Saks Fifth Avenue at Phipps Plaza in Atlanta. There is no law or protest on behalf of these black pet but folk burning down the private property of others because police shot and killed a man wanted for murder named Winston Boogie Smith. Previously he was convicted of aggravated robbery in the first degree in 2017. Rule of thumb: don’t shoot at police if you do not want them to shot back and possibly take your life.

Then there is Sergio Hunt, 17 who was murdered in Portland this past week and a 14-year-old girl shot in the head in Chicago when she was asked if she belonged to a gang. Cats don’t march and say remember their names but be a criminal and you are respected like a rapper or a member of the congressional black caucus. It seems comical that it is mostly white folk and poorly read cats that want to venerate Rayshard Brooks. This is a man that most black men would never stand up for. Yes, I’m sad dude got popped, but he got popped over some dumb shit that even if it was not a policeman, any black man I know would have popped and dropped his azz if he tried to disarm them. My query why is that we put his name in the hallow halls of heroism and not other folk?

Brooks had been involved with the criminal justice system since the age of 10 These weren’t related to J-walking but rather major felony charges. When he was 14, he had suspected him in two armed robberies, one in which a man was shot numerous times in a carjacking. Then in 2014, he had a domestic dispute with his wife, Tomika Miller, which resulted in charges of battery, false imprisonment and child cruelty in front of her 7-year-old son.  Truth is a cat like this gets no love from me. Sure, I am sad for his death, but like I said, I am not a police officer, but any man attempts to take my weapon is subject to be popped and dropped.

But more problematic for me is the fact that more people know the name of Rayshard Brooks than Secoriea Turner. This is the travesty. You want to hold this criminal in high regard but ignore the precious existence of an 8-year-old girl. You as I say frequently – can miss me with that shit.  To remind you, she was fatally shot on the Fourth of July while riding in a car with her mother by the Wendy’s restaurant where Rayshard Brooks was killed June 12. I just wonder why people in our community desire do to memorialize Brooks over Turner.

Historically, eugenics discouraged reproduction of the mentally challenged or anyone who fell outside the social norm like Blacks and poor people. This is what CRT teaches and advocates for presently. It markets the falsehood that skin color is the most important feature a person can have and worse, that all whites are racist. It also suggests that, unscientifically, all blacks are victims and racism is present in all actions. Therefore, they treat criminals as victims: because they do not want to call them what they are – predators, and maintain a constant zealotry based on a never-ending preoccupation with skin color. Blacks who are criminals are incarcerated not for their behavior but because of their skin color. The supporters of this philosophy are racists that don’t know it. Anytime you teach a group of people, based on skin color that they can’t achieve own their own and are permanently an oppressed victim you are in the same like as a eugenicist. Telling my kids they lack control of their future is a message from the black codes. At the same times you know more than 75 black students attending public schools can not read or do math on grade level but you want them to learn 35 new made up pronouns. Likewise, honering criminals and tearing down statutes does nothing to empower black folk in America. What we should do is build up all Americans with a common national identity. And if you black, stop letting these progressive white cats from defining the black experience in America. All they produce is cosmetic change which isn’t change at all. Why teach this when you can teach about multi- millionaire Samuel B. Fuller or the black former slave in Texas, William Ellis who became a multi-millionare in the 1890s. This is to uplifting to tell so the history of self-pity is preferred. Can’t have black folks knowing we can achieve on our own.

These folks don’t see people as unique individuals, but rather as monolithic groups incapable of change. Across the U.S., violent crime is on the rise and the communities most impacted are urban ethnic populations. Isolating us, dividing us by race, gender, trampling on constitutional rights and trying to distract us, ending rights to free speech are merely the mirror image of what history has recorded as to what happened during Mao’s cultural revolution and the myopic forces that gave the world Eugenics. What you are really telling my community is that it is cool to burn down Wendy’s in Atlanta and that if killing a little child in the process is an outcome, that is okay.

Like I said, I can even say the same about George Floyd. Again, sorry dude died, at the hands of police or not, but I do not know any black men that would stand up in support of his behavior. Maybe he turned his life around, maybe not, but I can tell you for the record I have never put a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman. This sort of behavior is not something anyone should value but many on the left are so isolated from the Black American experiences they do not see the harm they are doing. Or worse they do and don’t care protected in their islands of privilege. They are so disconnected from the American people and the black community that they are on a pathway to taking Blacks in the United State back to the period of Reconstruction and the Black Codes. When you promote a philosophy like Eugenics or critical race theory you simple suggest that people or innately part of a victim class and incessantly the objects of oppression without the opportunity of success.

Fact is the people behind these policies do not like the idea of individual liberty. If America ever goes pure socialist, it will cease to be the United States of America. Socialism is just a way to secure more power for the ruling class. This is pushed because they are afraid of people simply giving speech or writing books or voting for who they select to vote for. If you are being honest with yourself, you would admit that current political leadership is treating American citizens in the same manner the CCP treats protestors in Hong Kong. America has truly become the land of left-wing lunacy – anti-cop and pro-crime. You say you want criminal justice reform but return repeat offenders back to our community because you will not have to suffer the price. You care about statues and names on buildings but ignore the fact that doesn’t improve schools or the academic outcome of poor and black kids. Instead you tell us school choice is bad and that we must tolerate predation in the form of gang violence.

You claim white privilege this and systemic racism that but belong to white only beach clubs and wear blackface and klan robes while a sitting US president son uses racist slurs that denigrate blacks and Asians.

The real criminals are these white leftist and the parole boards and district attorney’s readily releasing criminal back into mostly minority communities while they ride around with their security details in their bullet proof suburban’s. They tell me that our greatest threat is white supremacist but I aint seen no white supremacist in Baltimore, Memphis, New Orleans, San Francisco, Oakland or Atlanta carjacking, beating up Asian Americans, gang banging or shooting up Black teens ever. Clearly you got me fcked up. Explain to me honestly, how is the black community is made safer when the state gives a man a $20,000 bond after he beats someone in the head with a hammer, released with an ankle monitor while awaiting trial and allowed to kill the person (woman) he beat in the head with a hammer in the first place? Make me understand this: how can you liberals claim to not be racist yet all you do suggest otherwise?

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Staff Writer; Torrance T. Stephens

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