Is ‘Donnie Lysol’ Trying To Poison America Because He’s Broke?

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( Would Trump supporters be insisting that they reopen the schools during a Smallpox pandemic? I don’t think so. But the hordes of armed Trump supporters who have chosen to follow Donald Trump’s prescription to reopen our schools and businesses prematurely over the advice of our medical professionals are clearly demonstrating that they are mindless idiots willing to place their family’s lives in jeopardy in order to follow a greedy, desperate, and unstable man.
Trump doesn’t care about either America, or his supporters. All Donnie Lysol cares about is his own personal finances and being re-elected in November. Irrefutable evidence of that is he’s tying to put the people’s children at risk as guinea pigs in an experiment on the contagion of the Coronavirus. The reason that is he’s losing over a million dollars a  day in his personal businesses due to the national shutdown. In addition, the impact of the shutdown on the overall economy can cause him to lose the November election, and since being President is the only thing keeping him out of prison, Trump doesn’t give a damn about America’s children.
Donald Trump is proving with his every act that he’s only concerned about one thing – what he’s always concerned about – Donald Trump. That’s why he’s so desperate that he’s trying to get America to ingest Lysol. That alone represents the desperation of an absolute lunatic. But Trump’s willing to do ANYTHING to improve his personal situation, including killing a few thousand American citizens. He’s also made the completely self-serving decision to place lives of West Point graduates in jeopardy, just so he can give a speech. But just as horrifying as the acts themselves is the fact at this post Trump seems to have lost the simple judgment to even try to hide his lack of concern for the American people. The following may explain the reason why.
Here’s what Donald Trump had to say in a private conference call with the nation’s governors:
“Trump told governors during a teleconference earlier Monday they should ‘seriously consider’ reopening their schools and CONFIRM his suggestion at the evening news conference, noting the virus doesn’t impact young people as badly. . . “I think it would be a good thing. Because as you see coming in terms of what this vicious virus goes after, young people seem to do very well. Young people seem to do very well. So, I know that there are some governors that aren’t necessarily ready to open up states, but they may be ready to open up school systems.” In other words, you don’t have to risk the entire state, just a few children.
We could go into Trump’s dangerous state of mind in far more detail and utilize public information to analyze his flawed character and deteriorating cognitive condition, but we’ve found that when writing online, in many cases, less can often be more. So we simply urge you to consider the amount of stress that must currently be on a personality who’s inherited or swindled (as a result of his inheritence) everything he’s ever had in life, and who’s never had to develop any character or intellect to succeed. As a result, he’s always felt isolated, insecure, and that he had to prove – to himself and the world – that he’s so reviled because he’s “a stable genius”. But now the entire façade that he’s based his life upon is all falling apart – his inherited fortune is being ravaged, his poor judgment and limited intellect is being revealed, and it’s becoming more clear every day that he’s not only not “a stable genius”, but is indeed, an unstable idiot. And then add to that the fact that the entire world not only hates his guts, but is laughing at his gross incompetence and bungling failure as a human being. So as a result of becoming President, he can’t even fail in private.
That would be a heavy load for any man to bear, but for a man with the limited intellectual resources of Trump, it’s got to be devastating, and their are many rumors of a meltdown taking place. So suffice it to say, America – and indeed, the world – have a ticking time bomb on it’s hands, and there’s undoubtedly going to be much more drama as Americans continue to die of the virus, the economy continues to deteriorate, and the November election looms ever closer over the landscape.
Linked below is an article by Bloomberg News that will help to place Trump’s financial situation in perspective:

Trump Organization Asks Deutsche Bank for Loan Payment Delay

Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree

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