Surviving the “Stay at Home Mandate”.

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( Life for many Americans move at 100mph. We are accustomed to having more things to do than we have time. We manage schedules and to do lists; very rarely, if ever, do we go to bed knowing everything was completed allowing the next day to be a new list. Instead we wake up knowing there are things that will cross over from yesterday while items are added to the list for the current day. Many people were needing to find time to tend to self-care because there didn’t see, to be enough time to exercise, meditate, and work on one’s spiritual self. Far too often we were surviving day to day doing the best we could with limited time. Time has now come to a screeching halt physically in a way many of us have never known.

Instead of surviving the rigors of the day we are trying to survive staying at home. At first it might have seemed like a much needed break. Maybe you took some time to spring clean the house, get some rest, stock the house with necessities, and catch up on shows you never have time to watch. Now that all those things have been done you might find yourself wondering what is there to do next. In this space some are finding it hard to stay home even if they go outside and take walks.

Their mind says go, and they want the body to follow. The grocery store has become the go to spot to break free from the house. You walk into Walmart or the local grocery and you can see people just walking for the sake of being there. It’s not that they are of a mind that COVID-19 isn’t serious…they just feel they are going stir crazy at home. What does the inability to be at home say about us?

The thing is there may be more to do than we want to engage. Many of us are concerned about how we are going to keep moving forward financially and mentally. The concerns are warranted but concept of being bored is interesting. Self-care takes time…which is something we have now. Staying at home might be about surviving having to face one’s self. This reality can happen if you are single, and if you are with someone. There is only so much to discuss in a day before we are no longer able to run from self.

We don’t know how long we will be in this state of being at home, but it can be for at least another month. This is a perfect time to work on bettering one’s energy, grounding self in one’s faith, taking up a hobby that interest you, taking as much deep meditation as you need, and deciding it may be time to start a new chapter that will be positive for you. No one knows what the new norm will be on the back end of this, but this is a great time for building self. It’s work, and at times it can be ugly, but the outcome is strength, stability, and beauty.

Please let us know some of the things you are doing to survive the stay at home mandate.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Michele