Preparing For Financial Independence.

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( If there is one thing most people do not want to worry about, it is the future. There’s so much to remember when it comes to looking to the future–the family you might have one day, the career aspirations you might have, the house you might one day purchase. You may see money and security for you and your children and a retirement where you do not have to worry about money. 

The problem is that most people dream of this happening and do nothing about it to make it actually happen. It is up to you to make sure that the future is happening in the way that you have hoped it would be, and that’s why you have to start putting plans into place right now. Whether you look at investing in property with the help of Visio Lending or increasing your pension pot, we are here to explore some of the things you can do to prepare yourself for the future.

Know what you are saving for

The ultimate goal of saving is to gain financial independence, where you no longer need to work to live comfortably and happily and can spend your time as much as you like. This is the retirement dream for most people! Have fun and have a daydream about what you are going to do with all that free time. Add any shorter-term goals along the way, such as becoming debt-free or buying a new car or house. Writing them down makes them more likely to happen because they hold you much more accountable.

Make sure your saving goals are SMART.

SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and trackable, and these five things should be at the forefront of your mind when making plans and setting goals. Once you have done your daydreaming, organize those dreams and grand ideas into ones that you can manage, and look at how you will go about achieving them.

Reduce your day to day expenses

Unless you have ways of earning additional income, this is where the money will come from to fund your goals. The first step is to look at your bank and credit card statements to see where your money is going. If you don’t have ways to earn additional income, this is where the money comes from to support your goals. Get rid of any unnecessary or wasteful expenses. This might include unused gym memberships, magazines, and newspaper subscriptions that you do not read or can access on the internet, expensive TV packages, and quitting the coffee and lunch habits -take them from home. 

Set a budget

Instead of looking at it as hardship, think about budgeting as making sure that your spending reflects your values and priorities. Creating a budget gives you the chance to take control of your money, by making sure that both of your long and short term needs are met. This means balancing each of your remaining costs against your savings targets and making a conscious decision as to what takes precedence -short term needs or long term dreams.

Staff Writer; Fred Jackson

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