3 Tips to Bring Joy Back into Your Life.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Have you been feeling a little down lately?  Maybe your new year excitement has worn off as we approach the third quarter in the year.  Don’t worry, I have the perfect tips to bring back the joy you once felt in your life back!  With all tips, these are just basic advice on things that you can fit into your lifestyle but feel free to change or add something else that fits your needs, perfectly.

Do something that you’re passionate about.  That hobby that you pushed to the side….pick it back up and find joy in doing it more and more.  Who cares if people think your favorite hobby is a waste of your time, do it anyway!  In life, when we find something (especially something creative to do) that brings us joy, we need to unapologetically do it and create the space and time to really enjoy ourselves while we do whatever it is.

What’s that one hobby that you would do in your spare time just for fun?  When you’re engulfed in doing this hobby you’re not worried about what invoices need to be sent or paid, you’re not worried about checking your email or social media… you just get lost, doing this one thing.  That’s the hobby that you’re passionate about and you need to do it ASAP to bring joy back into your life.

Let go of what no longer serves you.  As you grow, you need to get rid of some things, people and places in your life to find new joy.  Letting go of something or someone that once meant the world to you or obtained value in your life is not a terrible thing to do.  Letting go of toxic relationships is a must do, but maybe it’s things in your life that are taking up space and you need to get rid of it, to create room for new blessings and opportunities.

Maybe every year, you and your friends take a trip to Jamaica, year after year after year.  The staff at the resort knows your name and everything.  But this year, if let the thought of going to Jamaica and going somewhere new like Cancun, you may meet your new business bestie that can help you level up in your business or your husband, eventually.   Finding new people, things or places to visit can definitely bring joy back into your life, once you let go of the old.

As well as letting go of toxic relationships, you need to let go of your negative, toxic thoughts and feelings about yourself. If you have an imperfection you dislike, embrace it. Or, better yet, change it! If your weight bothers you, love to learn your body as it is, or learn new ways to manage your weight and to lose some of it. If your smile holds you back, take the steps to improve it, such as dental implants for missing teeth from Best Dental. Whatever negativity is weighing you down, address it to feel joy once again.

Embrace the challenges in your life.  Sometimes challenges are present to simply make us appreciate the small joys we once had. Maybe your challenge today is balancing motherhood and work life.  To bring the joy back into your life as a great career woman and parent, simplify your life so that you can spend time with the career you once loved and your adorable child/ren who just wants some of your time and attention.  Society will have you believing that you have to pick one over the other, but realistically, you don’t!  With every challenge you can birth new opportunities for yourself that brings you pure joy.

You are responsible for bringing and keeping joy into your life.  No one else can adequately do that for you.  It doesn’t matter what your religious beliefs are, what your occupation or social status is, everyone is entitled to have joy in their life.  For the things, people and places that no longer service who you are becoming, let it or them go!  Finally, embrace every single challenge that disrupts your life, if for nothing at all, find the littlest thing in within that challenge, to birth new opportunities and bring joy, back into your life.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

One may also connect with this sister online over at; FTSimpson.com.