Has Apple Gone Too Far With It’s Pricing.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) A few weeks back, Apple announced a $999 stand to complement its upcoming Mac monitor which will be roughly $5,000. Now, Apple has sold many products for—let’s say “questionable”—prices. The iPhone which drops every year can be more that $600 depending on the carrier, store or when you decide to get it.

The thing with the iPhone is that you’re getting a handset that is considered the gold standard. There are Galaxy/Android OS loyalists—yours truly included—who will admit that Apple makes a damn good smartphone, price aside and features that are expected be damned. Apple is just a quality manufacturer…they just price their products ridiculously.

I’d say it’s not a huge problem for iPhone fans. If a new iPhone comes out, they’ll trade their older one in and pick up the new one. Boom. It’s everything else that Apple puts out that can get dicey and it’s just price-wise but just how they’re announced.

Apple Knows Their Buyer Base and Their Marks

For instance, when the Airbuds were first announced, people who didn’t follow Apple news were confused and upset because now their earbuds were useless—unless they picked the Lightning to 3.5mm adapter which, from a business standpoint, was genius. Was it a side money grab? No doubt.

There was really nothing preventing Apple from releasing the Airbuds and leaving the 3.55mm adapter in place for earbuds when designing the recent iPhones. However, by making so that you either had to buy these wireless, small, easy to lose and easy to break buds or getting an additional attachment so that you can use the same type of earbuds you’ve been using since way back when.

It seems like a minor move when you look at the large picture but Apple knew there would be backlash. As for people who follow mobile news, there were the three camps:

“Really Apple? Bad move.”

“This is great! I like this!”

“I guess I’ll work with this. It’s ideal but whatever.”

You also have the advent of release different size phones. Similar to how Sony will drop the original version of the PlayStation that generation then a year and a half later, they will drop the Slim and then the 4K version. The thing here is that Apple drops different physical size iPhones at launch and each of those come with different storage sizes. Competitors had to do the same to move even more handsets.

Prior to this, the company would release a phone of a particular size, leave it at that and that was the phone you had. Fans started clamoring for a larger screen size because look at Samsung and their larger phones or Android phones in general. The funny thing is that the Android handsets had the right size off the bat but now they need to drop different sizes because of sales.

Honestly, no one was clamoring for smaller phones. Android manufacturers had grown out of that by the late 2000s.

So Has Apple Gone Too Far With Their Pricing

If you feel that Apple is just disrespecting your wallet with its pricing, then yes, they’ve gone too far. Ultimately, all of this stuff is optional. You don’t need to get the $999 stand. Most likely, another manufacturer will release a stand at a wallet-friendly price in the months to come. Now, for iPhone to definitely go too far with pricing, it would be if you paid the $999 for your monitor and ends up dropping your monitor then breaking itself.

But like I said, Apple makes quality products so at least one of those things are unlikely to happen.

Staff Writer; M. Swift

This talented writer is also a podcast host, and comic book fan who loves all things old school. One may also find him on Twitter at; metalswift.