HBCU Students Are You Ready for WordCamps.

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(ThyBlackMan.comThe growth in WordCamp conferences shows an increased need for HBCU students to learn the process of Branding, Web Development and Marketing. The platform of WordPress covering over 30% of web page development globally
and growing means that HBCU students should be following the trends and changes in web development, graphic design, coding, content management and even marketing.

These areas influence growing careers for HBCU students in fields of technology. Branding before graduation is important, Marketing
digital abilities as skill-sets grow, Perception is important so HBCU students must watch what is posted online about them, by them and their associations.

Entrepreneurship opens many doors if done strategically, Enterprise Learning where your knowledge is scalable with the industry as it grows you grow with it. Networking is vital because word of mouth (WOM) still matters and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) matter. Strategic Social Media Planning means you do not have to be on every platform and use every App. It means have a plan to place yourself in the right digital places at the right times. Using Social Media to be involved in your communities and actively engaged as an activist for positive and productive change.

Digital Innovation means that your mind is an out of the box mind; that is continuously learning, applying and growing. Needless to say since there are less than 3% of tech businesses that are minority run, minorities must want to know what other groups know
to be successful.

Attending WordCamp conferences promotes HBCU students to grow beyond currently positions. The engagement of learning and collaboration can elevate HBCU students beyond beginning level entry jobs, allowing for opportunities to open that can elevate.

The potential to own a business is possible before graduation because of the dynamic platform of WordPress. Digital media can start a HBCU student on the path of business ownership not just as a blogger and content developer. Involved in coding, graphic design, project management, Vblogging, Podcasting and Commerce and Marketing.

So important are WordCamp conferences that the corresponding Meetups are valuable networking events that occur several times each month.

As a past instructor with Edward Waters College teaching Educational Technology, Social Media and STEAM my curriculum embraced not just my education students, but those in business and the Arts. Each area has a contribution to be involved and engaged.

Sharing their voices on a platform that welcomes and encourages diversity in digital design and innovation.

To enlighten young minds attending HBCUs, students can own a business before they receive their degrees. As a sponsor of WordCamps in Nairobi, Nigeria, South Africa and other places, I’m helping create a legacy for African educators and those new to
business that have a passion for tech to take them further than they could dream with conventional tools.

Information is significantly available because technology when applied correctly, strategically, and realistically can create change. HBCU students have the greatest  educational and learning resource that can elevate them towards their dreams even before they receive their degrees.

To many times in the past HBCU students did not have the skill base to compete in digital career fields, now they have more than enough to begin the process for economic and generational growth and stability.

HBCU Students Are You Ready for WordCamps

WordCamp Central https://central.wordcamp.org/schedule/

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.