(ThyBlackMan.com) The New Nintendo 2DS XL does everything a more expensive 3DS XL can do. Other than the third dimension display, you can get everything from Nintendo’s new console by paying a price of US$149.99. If you are someone who loves 3D gaming and has left the 2D era far behind, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) God-Power “…But we have this treasure in clay jars…” II Corinthians 4:7 The story is told of a little black boy that stood next to a clown at a carnival. The clown filled balloons with helium and released them into the wind. Green balloons, yellow balloons, white balloons. The little ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Hosting a community event is a great thing to do. Not only do you get to have people from all over your area coming and socializing at your event, but community events are often great at raising money for some cause or project. If you’re relatively new at hosting community ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Donald Trump once famously asked the African American community: “What do you have to lose?” We now have the answer. Everything. Is this the time to stand up and fight back? Clearly, the answer is “yes.” Poll numbers on Trump’s disastrous performance as President reveal rapidly shrinking support for him ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This thrill-a-minute addition to the crime/action/thriller genre doesn’t exactly break the mold, but it’s fun. 1. A teenager as the getaway driver is novel. 2. The integration of music as one of the essential film elements is a killer. 3. The car chase scenes, right from the beginning, are delicious. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) People who profess to revere the Constitution really ought to spend time thinking through the significance of its provisions. They should read through and revisit occasionally the record of the debates at the Constitutional Convention. They should evaluate the arguments that were made, to think about how and whether they ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In 1927, one of California’s hot go-go real estate developers and entrepreneurs, Walter Leimert, had a brainstorm. He would buy land, parcel out tracts, and oversee the home building craze in a new subdivision to be called Leimert Park. Leimert had earlier developed home and commercial building projects in Northern ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Just because you travel a lot for business doesn’t mean you know all of the airport’s dirty little secrets, and we’re not talking about the fact that the trays on the airplane are absolutely filthy. Let’s face it—flying isn’t cheap. Especially if you find yourself on a plane more often ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The instances of racially charged domestic unrest we’ve witnessed in recent weeks have, for me, even further emphasized what craven, deceitful creatures those on the far left are. They really have come quite close to eliciting actual nausea as I’ve read of their exploits and heard the poisonous lies emanating ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Can you see the forest for the trees or the people for the city, can you see the beauty of a community because of its children, youth, teens and young adults striving to be successful and contributing to their communities. Can you see the diversity of a community by it’s ...
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