Three Powerful Affirmations for Black Men Volume II.

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( God-Power

“…But we have this treasure in clay jars…”

II Corinthians 4:7

The story is told of a little black boy that stood next to a clown at a carnival. The clown filled balloons with helium and released them into the wind. Green balloons, yellow balloons, white balloons. The little black boy yanked on the clown’s jacket and asked, “Mister, can you make a black balloon go up into the air?” The clown paused a moment, looked down inquisitively at the youngster while placing a black balloon gently into his hand and said, “Little boy, it’s what’s inside of the balloon that makes it go up.”

Someone much wiser than me said we are a chunk of earth and a piece of heaven. There is something inside of us – of me – that makes us go up. Don’t lose sight of that; do not give up on that.


I am stressed, I am challenged, but I remember to tap into that indispensable power that makes me rise beyond my limitations. It is my God-power.


That a man can change himself, improve himself, recreate himself, control his environment and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind wide-awake to the power of right thinking.

Richard Larsen

Our Inner Heckler

A heckler is a person who interrupts a performer or public speaker with derisive or derogatory comments or abuse. One of the most famous public hecklers in American culture is a man named Robin Ficker. Ficker was a passionate fan of the NBA’s Washington Bullets. He is most famous for his storied picture heckling behind Michael Jordan and for Charles Barkley flying him in for the 1993 Western Conference Finals to get into the head of the Chicago Bulls.

Ficker was an external heckler. But did you know that we each have an inner heckler? It is that voice of derision, abuse and pessimism that keeps many people from reaching their potential. Our inner heckler poisons our dreams, stifles our courage and causes us miss our appointment with destiny; it pokes fun at our ambitions.

It’s important that you master the Silence and allow the Silence to master you. Initially, your thoughts will race wildly about, but with concentration and focus, you will begin to train your heckler to obey your command – as opposed to the other way around.

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness, wrote Mother Teresa. Indeed, when we find God in Silence we conquer the noise of the heckler.


I affirm God’s voice in the Silence which assures I am deserving of peace, prosperity, health, success and love.


Silence is better than unmeaning words


How to Handle Scoffers

“…nor sit in the seat of scoffers…”

Psalms 1:1

Remember the bully who laughed at you in grade school? We all have been ridiculed. Someone laughs at my dreams just about every day. Laughter, though, can become a lethal bullet. People who belittle your dreams are called ‘scoffers’ – those whose objective in life is to deride, to laugh at the dreams of others. Do not allow the scoffers in your life – family members, social network, significant others – to mock you out of your dreams.

In fact, learn to absorb the laughter of others; use it as a motivator. The late Sherman Hemsley (George on the The Jeffersons) once shared an incident in elementary school in which he tripped and fell and was laughed at. Instead of jumping up and running away, Hemsley relates, their laughter made me relax, so I pretended it was part of the show. Make the criticism of others part of the show! Use it as a means and a method to build your future. Always get the last laugh with success.


I do not fear criticism. I absorb the ridicule of others and use it for my own edification.


Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative, judgmental attitude.

Joyce Meyer

Staff Writer; W. Eric Croomes

This talented brother is a holistic lifestyle exercise expert and founder and executive coach of Infinite Strategies LLC, a multi-level coaching firm that develops and executes strategies for fitness training, youth achievement and lifestyle management. Eric is an author, fitness professional, holistic life coach and motivational speaker.

In October 2015, Eric released Life’s A Gym: Seven Fitness Principles to Get the Best of Both, which shows readers how to use exercise to attract a feeling of wellness, success and freedom (Infinite Strategies Coaching LLC, 2015) –