HBCU Instructors Shine at International WordCamps.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) The national and international audiences ranged in several hundred men, women and even youth as young as elementary age students that enjoyed working on the digital platform WordPress.

Present were developers, coders, graphic designers and web developers. Using WordPress to design, build, modify and share
content on diverse digital platforms tied to the WordPress platform.

The Open Source platform is popular globally and can be adapted to many ways of web integration. More than 40% of bloggers and web pages managed by educational institutions, Vbloggers, businesses and organizations using WordPress as the platform for their web content. Professor Jackson an instructor with Edward Waters College, teaching Educational Technology, Social Media and STEAM is recognized as an international blogger and innovative content creator encourages students, faculty and staff to embrace writing and building themselves as thought leaders.

Ms. Kent an expert librarian and researcher has been in her field over 20 years in higher education shares in the promotion of
students to build their writing skills for future careers. The title of their presentation “How to be Dope on Social Media and a Community Activist,” focuses on the value of content creation,
embracing diversity in the field of technology and creating content that matches the needs of the reader, viewer and those that
interact in diverse levels of interest and engagement.

Speaking at WordCamp Jacksonville 2017, WordCamp DC 2017 and invited to WordCamp Pittsburgh and WordCamp Toronto Canada Professor Jackson and Ms. Kent are on a mission to encourage the creation of context that embraces diversity in intellectual thought, embracing and supporting bloggers of color and culture. Encouraging youth, teens and young adults to seek careers in STEM, STEAM, and STREAM.

These will be the future storytellers, digital visionaries, literacy innovators, dynamic coders, web developers of interactive content, and taking web development to the next level.

Moves to integrating Virtual Reality, 3D and 4D programming  and cognitive intuition in research and design on web based designs are growing. The “thinking web” can be seen in Google searches that follow past search criteria and anticipate future requests for content.

Community Activism is influenced by web content because information is available all the time and can be seen on multiple platforms. The integration of digital wireless devices that have adopted to SoLoMoCe – Social Conscience – Local Activism – Mobile Agility and Community Engagement. These allow people, groups, and organizations to share their message on digital platforms that are always accessible, visible and interactive.

As the web adapts and changes to the availability of diverse informational platforms, users must adapt as well to creating and posting content that engages the readers and viewers.

WordCamp is powerful in the ability to build PLNs –

Professional Learning Networks that engage PLCs –

Professional Learning Communities that establish PLFs –

Professional Learning Families.

To find more about WordCamp and the EdCamp for educator’s
web sites are available with information.

WordCamp National Schedule – https://central.wordcamp.org/schedule

WordCampDC https://2017.dc.wordcamp.org/

WordCamp Jacksonville https://2017.jacksonville.wordcamp.org/

EdCamp https://www.edcamp.org/

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.