The Benefits of Writing from Home.

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( Freelance writing has become a huge industry thanks to how easy the internet has made it to communicate with people from around the world at very little cost. What many people wonder, though, is if it is right for them?

They may be worried about a lot of different factors, particularly finding the work in the first place, but they may not realize all the benefits that they could enjoy from doing writing jobs from home.


They have an opportunity to enjoy a lucrative career from the comfort of their own home, and that is hard to beat. Without ever having to leave one’s house, they can do their work, receive their payment and have a successful job. This is incredibly attractive for a lot of people, and it’s easy to understand why. They don’t have to go through a complex morning routine to get ready for work. All around the world, people just roll out of bed and get right to their writing. For example, christian editors have found success at Reedsy, among other online job sites.

That’s a ton of money they can save on commuting and travel expenses. They also don’t have to pack a lunch or buy lunch out somewhere. They can simply eat what they have at home. Working from home is very convenient, and a job like writing doesn’t take a lot of tools. With a very simple computer and an internet connection, most people can do the job just fine.

Making Their Own Hours

One of the highlights to any at-home job is that it is a chance to make one’s own hours. People who write from home don’t have to work on a specific schedule. There are times when they have to meet deadlines, but they can always set their own deadlines and their terms.

They are essentially their own schedule maker, and they can decide when to do jobs and when to take a day off and just enjoy themselves. No one knows if they are really sick or not when they tell them they can’t do any work that day, and it’s a wonderful feeling to decide which days you want to work and which ones you don’t feel like doing anything.

Too many people operate in the rat race that is the workforces, where they rush to get ready, rush to work and rush back home. Working on writing jobs from home sidesteps that entire set of madness and allows the person to make hours that suit them.

Be the Boss

What many people find attractive about working from home and writing is that they can decide which jobs to take and what work to do. They don’t have a lot of supervision, and no one is directly watching them at any time. They can write for whichever companies will have them and pick and choose which jobs they feel like doing. If something isn’t to their liking, they can simply say “no” and not have to feel like they are going to be reprimanded for it. Of course, client and employee relationships still apply, but the employee is a freelance operator, and at any time, that person can decide to stop doing work for their client.

Being the boss means that people can set their own rates too. They don’t have to abide by any company’s standards, wages or practices and can make up their own rules as they go. Now, their clients will be looking for some stability and competitive edge. They need a reason to choose that writer over the others that are available, but there is still a lot of freedom in what the rates can be and what kind of services the writer provides.

They can easily tell clients that they won’t do specific types of work or write in certain niches. They can even carve out a niche of their own and say that they only do that specific kind of writing. They can choose article writing, novels, blogs or something else entirely. It’s completely up to them, and that’s a very freeing notion that people are starting to grasp onto as the online writing industry becomes ever more competitive.

Anyone who is looking to break into this industry should definitely consider the benefits and see how they stack up to their current career.

Staff Writer; Charles Young